
Integration Test Framework for Paper!

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Integration Test Framework for Paper!


  • Install plugin
  • Create Test Structure
    • /test create <filename.testname> [width]
    • Build contraption
    • Save schematic
  • Create Test Script
    • create .js in plugin folder
    • register a new test case into the registry
      import {registry, EntityType} from "./minitestframework/index.mjs";
      registry.register("test", (helper) => {
        helper.pressButton(3, 3, 3);
        helper.succeedWhenEntityPresent(EntityType.MINECART, 1, 2, 3);
    • use helper to do actions and assertions (basic auto complete should be provided by the auto generated definition files)
    • use /test pos ingame to find relation locations
  • Reload script changes with /minitest reload
  • Run test via command block ingame or /test run* commands

Example: https://streamable.com/e/k6kngh

Running in CI

When the plugin detects that the CI env var is set to true, it will automatically run all tests, write a test-results.xml (in junit format) and stop the server.
If exit code > 0, then X number of required tests failed. If exit code < 0, then X number of optional test failed. Exit code = 0 means happy day :)


Best to hit me up on the paper discord: https://discord.gg/papermc
gradlew runServer to test locally.
