
A simple, minimal PostgreSQL session store for Connect/Express

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Connect Postgres Simple

Like connect-pg-simple but using postgres instead of pg.

Strong compatibility with connect-pg-simple:

  • Can be used on the same sql table at the same time
  • Same configuration options (expected pg related properties that were removed)

A simple, minimal PostgreSQL session store for Express/Connect using postgres


npm install connect-postgres-simple

Once npm installed the module, you need to create the "session" table in your database.

For that you can use the table.sql file provided with the module:

psql mydatabase < node_modules/connect-postgres-simple/table.sql

Or simply play the file via a GUI, like the pgAdminIII queries tool.

Or instruct this module to create it itself, by setting the createTableIfMissing option.

Note that connect-postgres-simple requires PostgreSQL version 9.5 or above.


Examples are based on Express 4.

Simple example:

const session = require('express-session');

  store: new (require('connect-postgres-simple')(session))({
    // Insert connect-postgres-simple options here
  secret: process.env.FOO_COOKIE_SECRET,
  resave: false,
  cookie: { maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } // 30 days
  // Insert express-session options here

Advanced example showing some custom options:

const postgres = require('postgres');
const expressSession = require('express-session');
const PostgresStore = require('connect-postgres-simple')(expressSession);

const postgres = postgres({
    // Insert postgres options here

  store: new PostgresStore({
    postgres : postgres,          // Template string tag from postgres
    tableName : 'user_sessions'   // Use another table-name than the default "session" one
    // Insert connect-postgres-simple options here
  secret: process.env.FOO_COOKIE_SECRET,
  resave: false,
  cookie: { maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } // 30 days
  // Insert express-session options here

Advanced options

Connection options

  • postgres - sql template string tag provided by postgres to be used for DB communications.

Other options

  • ttl - the time to live for the session in the database – specified in seconds. Defaults to the cookie maxAge if the cookie has a maxAge defined and otherwise defaults to one day.
  • createTableIfMissing - if set to true then creates the table in the case where the table does not already exist. Defaults to false.
  • disableTouch – boolean value that if set to true disables the updating of TTL in the database when using touch. Defaults to false.
  • schemaName - if your session table is in another Postgres schema than the default (it normally isn't), then you can specify that here.
  • tableName - if your session table is named something else than session, then you can specify that here.
  • pruneSessionInterval - sets the delay in seconds at which expired sessions are pruned from the database. Default is 60 seconds. If set to false no automatic pruning will happen. By default every delay is randomized between 50% and 150% of set value, resulting in an average delay equal to the set value, but spread out to even the load on the database. Automatic pruning will happen pruneSessionInterval seconds after the last pruning (includes manual prunes).
  • pruneSessionRandomizedInterval – if set to false, then the exact value of pruneSessionInterval will be used in all delays. No randomization will happen. If multiple instances all start at once, disabling randomization can mean that multiple instances are all triggering pruning at once, causing unnecessary load on the database. Can also be set to a method, taking a numeric delay parameter and returning a modified one, thus allowing a custom delay algorithm if wanted.
  • errorLog – the method used to log errors in those cases where an error can't be returned to a callback. Defaults to console.error(), but can be useful to override if one eg. uses Bunyan for logging.

Useful methods

  • close() – if this module used its own database module to connect to Postgres, then this will shut that connection down to allow a graceful shutdown. Returns a Promise that will resolve when the database has shut down.
  • pruneSessions([callback(err)]) – will prune old sessions. Only really needed to be called if pruneSessionInterval has been set to false – which can be useful if one wants improved control of the pruning.


The MIT license