
Somfy Protect to MQTT

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


"Buy Me A Coffee"

Somfy Protect to MQTT

Supported :

  • Somfy Home Alarm
  • Somfy Home Alarm Advanced
  • Somfy One
  • Somfy One+

What is Working

Quite Everything except Video Streaming.

  • Retreive some status of the alarm and his devices.
  • Set security level: armed, disarmed, partial.
  • HA MQTT Discovery.
  • Stop the Alarm
  • Trigger the Alarm
  • Update Device Settings
  • Send Action to device (Open/Close Camera Shutter, Light On/Off connected to OutDoor Camera)
  • Get lastest Camera snapshot
  • Retrieve Smoke Detector status
  • Get The temperature from PIR / Siren
  • Configure Sensors
  • Video Streaming
  • ...




  • Use a somfy dedicated user for homeassistant.
  • This dedicated user must be declared as a owner, not a child.
  • HA MQTT integration must be reconfigure with MQTT Discovery.
  • In the config file, check that you have set the name of your house. (The one define in the Somfy App.)
  - Maison

Easy Mode (via HomeAssistant Supervisor)

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.

In HomeAssistant, go to Supervisor > Add-on Store > Repositories Add this repo: https://github.com/minims/homeassistant-addons/

Configure it with you credentials Then all Devices will appaears in MQTT integration

Easy Mode (Running in Docker Container)

Add docker container docker run -v <PATH-TO-CONFIG-FOLDER>:/config minims/somfyprotect2mqtt


Manual Mode

Clone the repo Go to dev branch

cd /opt/
git clone https://github.com/Minims/SomfyProtect2MQTT.git
git checkout dev # if you want the dev branch
cd /opt/SomfyProtect2MQTT/

Install Python3 dependencies

pip3 install -r  somfyProtect2Mqtt/requirements.txt

Copy config file and setup your own credentials for SomfyProtect & MQTT.

cd /opt/SomfyProtect2MQTT/somfyProtect2Mqtt
cp config/config.yaml.example config/config.yaml


cd SomfyProtect2MQTT/somfyProtect2Mqtt
python3 main.py

Video Streaming

  1. MQTT Camera Currently, Somfy does not provide a permanent streaming URL. This is a On-Demand stream, and the stream is live for about 120s.

To start the stream you need:

  • To open the cover via the entity switch.***_shutter_state in the Camera Device.
  • To switch the stream ON via the entity switch.***_stream in the Camera Device.

Here is a basic lovelace card to see your camera with bother shutter & stream button

camera_view: auto
type: picture-glance
  - entity: switch.indoor_camera_shutter_state
    icon: mdi:window-shutter-settings
  - entity: switch.indoor_camera_stream
    icon: mdi:play-pause
camera_image: camera.indoor_camera_snapshot
title: Indoor Camera
  1. go2rtc / WebRTC Camera

Copy file config/echo/somfy.sh in HA in /config/echo/somfy.sh

Configure go2rtc:

    - echo:/config/echo/somfy.sh <camera device_id>

Add WebRTC Camera Card

type: custom:webrtc-camera
url: somfy_indoor_camera_echo
    - name: Cover
      icon: mdi:window-shutter
      service: switch.toggle
        entity_id: switch.indoor_camera_shutter_state
    - name: Stream
      icon: mdi:play-pause
      service: switch.toggle
        entity_id: switch.indoor_camera_stream
style: >-
  .shortcuts {left: 450px; top: 25px; right: unset; display: flex;
  flex-direction: column; gap: 10px}

Systemd (Running in background on boot)

5. (Optional) Running as a daemon with systemctl

To run SomfyProtect2MQTT as daemon (in background) and start it automatically on boot we will run SomfyProtect2MQTT with systemctl.

# Create a systemctl configuration file for SomfyProtect2MQTT
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/somfyProtect2mqtt.service

Add the following to this file:


ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/SomfyProtect2MQTT/somfyProtect2Mqtt/main.py
# Or use StandardOutput=null if you don't want SomfyProtect2MQTT messages filling syslog, for more options see systemd.exec(5)


Save the file and exit.

Verify that the configuration works:

# Start SomfyProtect2MQTT
sudo systemctl start somfyProtect2mqtt

# Show status
systemctl status somfyProtect2mqtt.service

Now that everything works, we want systemctl to start SomfyProtect2MQTT automatically on boot, this can be done by executing:

sudo systemctl enable somfyProtect2mqtt.service

Done! 😃

Some tips that can be handy later:

# Stopping SomfyProtect2MQTT
sudo systemctl stop somfyProtect2mqtt

# Starting SomfyProtect2MQTT
sudo systemctl start somfyProtect2mqtt

# View the log of SomfyProtect2MQTT
sudo journalctl -u somfyProtect2mqtt.service -f


This code is base on reverse engineering of the Android Mobile App.

python3 -O -m enjarify.main ../com-myfox-android-mss1610600400.apk

So if you want to contribue, have knowledge in JAVA / APK, you can help to find all API calls used in the APP. We can integrate here (https://github.com/Minims/somfy-protect-api) to use it.

  • Use APKTool to get smali files and all available API Endpoints