
A bot for Discord for cycling the server image for special events.

Primary LanguagePython

Eventus Banner

Eventus is a bot for Discord written in Python using discord.py that cycles the server image for special events and holidays.

How To Use

  • Download a release or clone the repo
    • Extract files if necessary
  • Rename demo_config.toml to config.toml
  • Put desired images in the images directory
  • In the config:
    • Bot
      • Set token to your Discord application bot token
      • Set key to a bot key or leave alone for default
    • Settings
      • Set server_id to the ID of the server you wish to cycle the icon of
      • Set default_image_name to the name of the image that will be the icon when "events" don't take place
    • Events
      • You can specify as many events as needed
      • Set image_name to the name of the image to set icon to
      • Set date_start to the date in which the icon will be changed to
      • Set date_end to the date in which the icon will be reset to specified default
      • See demo_config.toml for example usage

Things to Note

  • If there are duplicate dates, it uses whatever was first and then stops
  • If an event starts on the same as another one ends, the server icon will reset to default and then an hour later (by default), it will be set to the new event's icon


  • Get working
  • Use with Tidal Wave
  • Add support for multiple servers