
My NeoVim Configuration written in Lua

Primary LanguageLua

My NeoVim Configuration


This repo is my neovim confuguration using Lua and made mostly for golang development



  1. NeoVim - vim based text editor
  2. Nerd Font - any font with icons support


  1. Clonse this repo to your nvim config path: git clone https://github.com/Minish144/nvim.git ~/nvim
  2. Open nvim and run command :PackerSync to install plugins


Packer Plugin manager
Vim Dev Icons Adds file type icons to Vim
Defx Tree explorer with floating window support
Nvim Web Dev Icons Lua fork of vim-web-devicons for neovim
Plenary All the lua functions you don't want to write twice
NUI UI Component Library
Illuminate Highlights other uses in file of word under cursor
Impatient Speeds up loading lua modules
TreeSitter Parsing system for programming tools
Comment Comment plugin
Which-Key Keymaps pop-up
Trailing Whitespace Highlights trailing whitespaces
Strip Trailing Whitespaces Removes trailing whitespaces on save
Bufferline IDE-like tabs
Auto Pairs Auto closing pairing brackets and braces
COC Load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
Git Signs Git integration
Fugitive Git integration
Lualine Bottom status line
Colorizer Colors highliting in code
FZF Command-line fuzzy finder

Coc Extensions

  • Go - go language server extension using gopls
  • Pyright - python extension
  • JSON - json language extension
  • WebView - using an external browser to support the webview
  • Markdown Preview Enchanced - markdown live preview using coc-webview


  • Tokyo Night - a clean, dark vim colorscheme that celebrates the lights of downtown Tokyo at night, based on a VSCode theme
