
Classifiy human activities with neural networks

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Activity prediction with the help of neural networks

Based on the InceptionTime model.

Link to repo. Link to paper.


  • env_files/ stores python environment
  • Install a conda environment with environment_cuda.yml and a python virtual env with requirements.txt.
    • conda env create -f enf_files/environment_cuda.yml (only necessary if you want to train over the GPU)
    • pip install -r env_files/requirements.txt
  • run nbdev_install_hooks to make sure notebooks metadata is cleaned before pushing to repo!


Two different Datasets:

  1. in input/separated are the csv files of Armans student thesis. The Dataset consists of 14 different activities, recorded by 30 persons.
    • Data has 50 sensor features (Sensor length: 25) and x,y,z acceleration.
  2. The second dataset are the timeseries_data measurements directly saved to the cloud
    • downloaded to the repo from aws aws_downloader.ipynb
    • aws needs to be installed for the command line over this Link.
    • then you need to login to the MinkTec aws with aws configure and the ipi keys received from the AWS Master.
    • or directly used from the Nextcloud external data folder
    • Data has potentially variable sensor features, x,y,z acceleration and gyroscope data.

Scripts and Directories

  • aws_downloader.ipynb: Download the timeseries_data from aws and saves the data to disk at input/timeseries_data.
  • run_inception_tuner.ipynb: Tweak model parameter and tune + fit an InceptionTime model.
  • create_models/: Scripts of inception_tuner model, Arman's models and Autokeras models.
  • utils/: Helper scripts around data preprocessing, visualization, saving tflite models, etc.
  • input/: Datasets are stored here. Arman's old Dataset and new timeseries_data
  • run_models.ipynb DEPRECATED: Runs Arman's old models and several Autokeras default models and compares them.
  • notebooks/ DEPRECATED old Scripts


On Armans old dataset

New measurements (AWS)

  • run aws_downloader.ipynb or connect to the Nextcloud external data source
  • In run_inception_tuner.ipynb use load_timeseries_dataset function and tweak hyperparameters.

Takeaways from working with Armans Dataset

  • Prediction of 7 basic activities: ~ 93% acc and 92% f1 score.
  • Not the full sensor length is important. n_keep = 12 seems to be enough.
    • look out for this parameter later, might be necessary to increase if activities use higher back / neck or arms.
  • Scaling of the data results in a worse model.
    • minmax scaling results in a garbage model.
    • standardization results in a slightly worse model (~ 2-5 % accuracy).
    • use Z-Score normalization for more sensible feature importance
  • the worst predictions are on the walkingUpstairs category.
    • might be because of the low amount of data available.
  • PCA with 15-10 components seems to work the best (might even improve the result a little bit).
  • FocalLoss (for skewed classes) performs a bit worse.
  • F1-Loss performs the best. especially on walkingUpstairs category -> higher f1-score

Takeaways from newly created Dataset

  • only use data starting at 19.10.22 (prior were sometimes accuracy values wrong)


  • Create sensible train, validation and test sets. Which split?
    • Smartphone model?
    • Sensor model?
  • Make sure dataset does not get skewed (1 Activity or Person dominates the data)
    • visualize every persons contribution, for every activity
  • Recognize movement and remove data during standstill (Waiting at traffic lights during cycling)
    • right now done by std over acc x and z over some threshold
      • good enough?
  • Try different models with the help of fastai and tsai
  • Create a Sample Dataset to iterate on more easily (~5 - 20% of the data)
  • Maybe recreate the dataset collection with 15 Hz
  • Expand hyperparameter search space
  • learn differences between the tflite models
    • which model improves performance?
    • is the model size essential
    • inference speed
    • raw and quant model are the fastest right now
  • Potential Cloud GPU Providers: