Searching Algorithm

  • This is a first lab I have to complete when learning the basis of artificial intelligence.


  • Searching algorithm is classified into two main categories. It includes:
 Uninformed search 
    - not provided about how to close the states are
    - be able to generate "successor" and know target state discrimination
    - each of seaching strategy is an (graph/tree) instance of general searching problem
    - include: DFS (Depth first search), BFS (Breadth first search), UCS (Uniform Cost Search)

Informed search 
    - beside the definition, a, it also use particular knowledge about proble
    - has an ability to find more effectively than Uniformed search
    - use heuristic function to evalutate remaining cost to reach goal state
    - include: A*, Greedy best-first search,... 

Before Running

  • make sure that you download python env
  • installed pygame module


  • go to directory which contains file ending in .py (source code)
  • then, just simply typing following command python .\ --algo<a> --start<b> --goal<c>
    • a is algorithm you want to run (BFS, DFS, UCS, AStar)
    • b is starting position
    • c is goal position
