
Ravencoin reference stratum for testing, experimentation, and demonstration.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This Reference Stratum is a simple implementation used as a basis for testing, experimentation, and demonstration purposes. It is not intended for production use.

This project has been developed and tested on Node v10.17 and Ubuntu 16.04


NodeJS v10 (Ubuntu)

# Optional: uninstall current version
sudo apt-get remove node
sudo apt-get remove nodejs

# Install version 10.x
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs -y


# (ubuntu) build essentials required to compile KawPOW verification
sudo apt-get install build-essentials

# Dependencies may require that you have a Github personal access token to install.
npm config set @mintpond:registry https://npm.pkg.github.com/mintpond
npm config set //npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken <PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>

Creating a personal access token

Download from Github

git clone https://github.com/MintPond/ref-stratum-ravencoin

# install
cd ref-stratum-ravencoin
npm install

Install in a Project

npm config set @mintpond:registry https://npm.pkg.github.com/mintpond
npm config set //npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken <PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>

npm install @mintpond/ref-stratum-ravencoin --save


The stratum can be used as a module in a pool:

const Stratum = require('@mintpond/ref-stratum-ravencoin').Stratum;

class MyStratum extends Stratum {
    /* Override */
    canAuthorizeWorker(client, callback) {
        // implement your own logic
        if (client.minerAddress === 'bad') {
            // do not authorize worker
            callback(null/*error*/, false/*isAuthorized*/);
        else {
            // authorize worker
            callback(null/*error*/, true/*isAuthorized*/);

const stratum = new MyStratum({
    coinbaseAddress: 'n1W99FwjX2HgBxVN9aYvpn91uhZfi9B8fj', // address that receives block reward
    blockBrand: '/@mintpond/ref-stratum/', // Branding string added to every block found
    host: "", // address the stratum will listen on
    port: {
        number: 3010, // port the stratum will listen on
        diff: 10      // stratum difficulty
    rpc: {
        host: '', // Ravencoin daemon RPC host
        port: 17011,          // Ravencoin daemon RPC port
        user: 'rpcuser',      // Ravencoin daemon RPC user
        password: "x"         // Ravencoin daemon RPC password
    jobUpdateInterval: 55,    // Broadcast job updates every n seconds
    blockPollIntervalMs: 250  // Check for new blocks every n milliseconds

stratum.on(Stratum.EVENT_SHARE_SUBMITTED, ev => {


Start Script

There is a start script (start.js) included which contains further examples. It can also be run in order to get a Stratum going for test purposes. You will need to open and modify the config inside before running it.

> node start

Areas of Interest

  • ClientReader - Handles messages received from a client.
  • ClientWriter - Handles sending messages to a client.
  • Coinbase - Creates coinbase transaction.
  • Share - Processes and validates shares, creates blocks.
  • Socket - Handles binary JSON serialization and deserialization.
  • algorithm - Contains KawPOW constants and hash verification.
