
Commit Stats

🚀 Focus on building stuff and not the setup. 🚀



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  1. Builds
  2. Getting Started
  3. Using Overcommit
  4. What's in the box
  5. Alternatives
  6. Contributions

Getting Started

  • Click the Use this template button to create a clone of this repo in your Github account.
  • Once you've git cloned your repo to your computer, run the following;
cd <app_name>

Then run the following to start the application.


Using overcommit

overcommit a fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager is included. When enabled the hooks will run each time a git commit is made. If any of the checks fail the commit will be ignored and the erros will be shown.

Enable overcommit

 overcommit --sign && overcommit --sign pre-commit

Run overcommit

 overcommit --run

You should see the following pre-commit hooks image

The above pre commit hooks have been defined in .overcommit.yml

Troubleshooting Overcommit

click for more

If you get errors try running the following anf then the above steps.

overcommit --uninstall` 

What's in the box

"Good frameworks are extracted, not invented" - David Heinemeier Hansson

The Gemfile is annotated with the description and links to each Gem's homepage for further details.


See a list of alternative Rails 7 templates here


Contributions welcome 🤗

Contributions aligning with the project vision are welcome.