Lua builds for Windows

Primary LanguageShell

Lua builds for Windows

This repo contains a set of Lua builds for Windows. You can found them in the "Releases" page in two formats:

  • .zip file: portable, just the Lua interpreter, compiler and .dll
  • .exe file: NSIS-based installer, contains the above and allows to add it to PATH

About the installers

These .exe files provided here installs Lua in different base path depending of the permissions: if you run it with administrator rights, default path will be C:\Program Files\Lua<Version>, but if you run it as a normal user, default path will be C:\Users\<YourUser>\AppData\Local\Lua<Version>.

Multiple lua installations

You can have, by example, Lua 5.1.x and Lua 5.3.x installed, and use it like (if you have them in PATH):

lua51 my_script.lua
lua53 my_script.lua

But with minor versions isn't possible (i.e., Lua 5.2.1 and Lua 5.2.3), the installer will just replace the files.


  • Moonjit