
🔴🔴🔴 This is a minimalistic graphical tic tac toe game

Primary LanguageRust


This is a simple graphical tic tac toe game for two players. The goal of the game is to set your mark on three adjacent fields: top to bottom, left to right or diagonal.

Installing Rust

To play this game, you need to have a current version of Rust installed. You can get it here.

Building the docs

  1. To build the docs, run the following command out of the game's root folder:
$ cargo docs --open
  1. This opens a browser window with the generated docs.
  2. Check docs for main, it contains a title and a link.

Note: Don't use Safari to open the docs, as that only shows plain html.

How to Play this Version

  1. Run the program with cargo run out of its root folder.
  2. Click on the appearing window to set your mark.
  3. Take turns with the second player.
  4. Read terminal output for messages.