You feed GAPU (Get ArcGIS Portal Users) the base rest URL, it returns all users that can be retrieved from an anonymous principal.
This can be a useful way of finding usernames belonging to a company using ArcGIS Portal without requiring any credentials.
go get
or download a prebuilt binary from the Releases Page.
The most basic usage is to simply pass the rest portal URL to the -u parameter, for example:
mirabis~$ gapu -u
ArcGIS group id, username, FullName, Join date timestamp
8f3e2a2430524f3ca47a03de7888e86e,, "renze.evert", 1567750584798
8f3e2a2430524f3ca47a03de7888e86e,, "Rik.pauli", 1554116686967
8f3e2a2430524f3ca47a03de7888e86e,, "Riva.ehyr", 1591080285396
mirabis~$ gomu -h
gapu [OPTIONS]
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Application Options: (/* windows, -* Unix)
/t, /threads: Number of concurrent threads (default: 20)
/u, /url: ArcGIS Portal REST URL
/a, /agent:
/v, /verbose Turns on verbose logging
/e, /esri Will also print default ESRI users
/insecure Switches all HTTPS calls to HTTP
Help Options:
/? Show this help message
/h, /help Show this help message
- hakluke my inspiration to start transitioning from Python/.NET to golang
- tomnomnom my inspiration to start transitioning from Python/.NET to golang
You can contribute in following ways:
- Report bugs
- Give suggestions to make it better (I'm new to golang)
- Fix issues & submit a pull request
Do you want to have a conversation in private? Hit me up on my twitter, inbox is open :)
gapu is licensed under GPL v3.0 license