
Manage downloadItems from Electron's BrowserWindows without user interaction, allowing single file download and bulk downloading

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Manage downloadItems from Electron's BrowserWindows without user interaction, allowing single file download and bulk downloading asynchronously


  • Register global listener that attaches to all newly created BrowserWindow instances
  • Automatically download the file to a given folder, without user prompt
  • Callback when download has completed (or failed)
  • Bulk download: pass a bunch of links and all will get downloaded, with a callback once they're all done.


$ npm install electron-download-manager


Register it for all windows

Register the listener (that will catch all DownloadItems)

const electron = require("electron");
const { app, BrowserWindow } = electron;

const DownloadManager = require("electron-download-manager");


app.on("ready", () => {
    let mainWindow = new BrowserWindow();


After registering you must wait until at least 1 window is created to call DownloadManager.download function

Single file download from the Main Process

const electron = require("electron");
const { app, BrowserWindow } = electron;

const DownloadManager = require("electron-download-manager");

    downloadFolder: app.getPath("downloads") + "/my-app"

app.on("ready", () => {

    let mainWindow = new BrowserWindow();


    //Single file download
        url: "https://i.imgur.com/H124sSq.jpg"
    }, function (error, info) {
        if (error) {

        console.log("DONE: " + info.url);


This example downloads https://i.imgur.com/H124sSq.jpg file to user-downloads-folder/my-app/H124sSq.jpg

Bulk file download from the Main Process

const electron = require("electron");
const {app, BrowserWindow} = electron;

const DownloadManager = require("electron-download-manager");

DownloadManager.register({downloadFolder: app.getPath("downloads") + "/my-app"});;

app.on("ready", () => {
    let mainWindow = new BrowserWindow();


    var links = [

    //Bulk file download    
        urls: links,
        path: "bulk-download"
    }, function (error, finished, errors) {
        if (error) {
            console.log("finished: " + finished);
            console.log("errors: " + errors);

        console.log("all finished");


This example downloads 5 files to user-downloads-folder/my-app/bulk-downloads

Use from Renderer Process

Once you've registered the listener on the Main process at any time you can call the download function through electron's remote

    url: "https://i.imgur.com/H124sSq.jpg"
}, function (error, info) {
    if (error) {

    console.log("DONE: " + info.url);





Type: string
Default: app.getPath("downloads")]

Set a folder where all downloadItems will be downloaded to. It will also be the parent folder for individual folders of each download. Explained below in Download function.

By default, this "root" folder will be user's OS downloads folder (read about this)

If the file already exists in the location it will check the file's size against the size on the server, if it is lower than the server it will attempt to resume downloading the file. This is good for downloading large files. E.G Downloading a 200MB file and only 100MB downloaded (app closed/crashed) it will resume the download from where it left off automatically.

If the file size on the disk is the same as the server it will not download and return a successful callback.

DownloadManager.download(options, callback(error, {url, filePath}))



Type: string

The url of the file to be downloaded


Type: string
Default: ""

Set a folder where this downloadItems will be downloaded to. This folder is relative to downloadFolder location set in the register function. By default it will be downloaded to root of downloadFolder which would be user download's folder.


Type: function

A function to be called whenever the file being downloaded progresses, this function will be constantly called with the updated value.

progress float. Represents the download progress percentage. example: 4.637489318847656

This feature currently exists only for single file downloads and hasn't been implemented (yet) for bulk processing.

callback(error, {url, filePath})

Callback to be called when the download has reached a "done" state, which could mean two things either it was successful, or it failed.

if the download was successful the callback's error will be null, otherwise it will contain the error message

url returns the url of the downloaded file
filePath location of where the file was saved

DownloadManager.bulkDownload(options, callback(error, finished, failed))



Type: array

Array of url strings of the files to be downloaded


Type: string
Default: ""

Set a path to save all the bulk downloaded files. This folder is relative to downloadFolder location set in the register function. By default it will be downloaded to root of downloadFolder which would be user download's folder.

callback(error, finished, failed)

Callback to be executed when all downloadItems in this bulk process have been completed

error will be null if everything was successful
finished is an array containing the url of successfully downloaded items
failed is an array containing the url of failed downloaded items (if any)


Feel free to open Issues to ask questions about using this module, PRs are very welcome and encouraged.


MIT © Daniel Nieto, loosely based on code from Sindre Sorhus