Encrypted Chatting Room

This is a chatting room which can encrypted all the messages in the room and hash chain to keep messages unmodified.

We used mongoDB as database, Angular as front-end, Websock for notification and update of messages and spring-boot as back-end.

How to run the source code with docker

All commands will require sudo prefix if you are not root user.

User Docker Compose to run the code and ensure you have internet access to download some images.

docker-compose up --build

Open another teriminal execute the following for the access of client web pages.

docker exec -ti encryptedchattingroom_nginx_1 chown -R nginx /usr/share/nginx/html

And then visit the chatting room

For Linux or Docker Desktop, please visit http://localhost/?local=localhost:8080 Click Here

In Windows with Docker Toolbox, please visit Click Here

Run without docker

Ensure local machine has MongoDB and it's serving on 27017 port.

Compile projects first NginxServer, Server, Client1, Client2

Run these project in proper order. (Nginx Server will start a simple web server for the access of chatting room client)

Visit http://localhost/?local=localhost:8080 Click Here