
Dotfiles são arquivos de configuração ocultos que geralmente são armazenados no diretório home do usuário. Eles controlam o comportamento e a aparência de aplicativos de software, shells e outras ferramentas. Este repositório fornece um local central para armazenar e gerenciar esses arquivos.

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Welcome to my personal dotfiles repository! This collection of dotfiles contains the configuration files for various tools and applications I use on a daily basis. By version controlling these files with Git, I can easily synchronize my configurations across multiple machines and quickly set up new environments.

Para a versão em português brasileiro, clique aqui.

Table of Contents








Dotfiles are hidden configuration files that are typically stored in the user's home directory (~, $HOME, /home/<username>). They control the behavior and appearance of software applications, shells, and other tools. This repository provides a central location to store and manage these dotfiles, making it easy to maintain a consistent setup across different machines.


I'm currently working on it.


Once the dotfiles are installed, you can easily update your configurations or add new ones by modifying the respective files in the ~/.dotfiles directory. The changes will be automatically reflected in your system.

It's worth mentioning that some dotfiles might require you to restart the corresponding application or shell for the changes to take effect.

You can also add additional scripts or installers in the ~/.dotfiles directory to automate the setup of other tools or applications. Feel free to explore the existing files and directories to get a better understanding of the available configurations.


The repository is organized as follows:

  • apps/: This folder contains all of the user-scoped tools.
  • system/: This folder contains all of the system-wide tools.
  • assets/: This folder contains all assets or non-essential files.
  • LICENSE: The MIT license file.
  • CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md: The Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct file.
  • CONTRIBUTING.md: The file that tells how to contribute.
  • README.md: The file you're currently reading.
  • README_BR.md: The portuguese-brazillian version of this file.

Feel free to modify the structure according to your preferences or specific needs. You can add or remove directories and files as necessary.


These dotfiles serve as a starting point, but you can customize them to match your own preferences and workflow. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Modify the existing dotfiles: Open the respective files in the ~/.dotfiles directory and make the necessary changes. Each file usually contains comments explaining the purpose of the configuration options.
  • Add new dotfiles: Create a new file in the appropriate directory or create a new directory altogether. Make sure to update the installation script to symlink the new dotfiles to the appropriate locations.

Remember to keep your changes within the ~/.dotfiles directory to maintain portability and ease of synchronization across different machines.


Contributions, improvements, and suggestions are always welcome! If you find any issues or have ideas to enhance these dotfiles, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

If you want to contribute, please refer to CONTRIBUTING for more details.

Please be patient during the review process, as it may take some time to address and incorporate your contributions.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the code in this repository. See the LICENSE file for more details.


I'd like to express my gratitude to the open-source community for the numerous inspirations and resources that have helped shape these dotfiles. Additionally, I want to thank all the contributors who have shared their knowledge and expertise, making it easier for others to customize and optimize their configurations.

Special thanks to the creators and maintainers of the following projects that have been instrumental in the development of these dotfiles:

Your contributions and feedback are greatly appreciated!