
Joomla 2.5 Template based on Twitters Bootstrap CSS Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic Joomla 2.5 Template


Joomla 2.5 Template based on Twitters Bootstrap CSS Framework

Simple basic template with bootstrap 2.1, jquery 1.8.


Development (pre-alpha)

Use it

Try the last build on your Test-Joomla installation: https://github.com/Miramac/joomla-bootstrap-template/raw/master/bin/joomla-bootstrap-template.zip

Customize it

Create your own Joomla template.

Get a clone of this repo.

Install dependencies:

 $ npm install 

Build package:

 $ node ./build

Supported Joomla componets and moduels

  • Featured articels
  • Articels
  • Top menu
  • Left main menu (needs some styling ;-)
  • Login & registration form