Container Cloud on Equinix Metal private net day0 infrastructure

Using the following instruction, apply the Terraform templates and Ansible playbooks to set up a Mirantis Container Cloud Equinix Metal based management cluster with private networking. During setup, the following resources are created:

  • The required amount of VLANs per each Container Cloud installation.
  • The router that manages traffic between VLANs for management, regional, and managed clusters.
  • The bootstrap (seed) node to bootstrap a management or regional cluster.

To set up Container Cloud on Equinix Metal with private networking

  1. Verify that the following packages are installed:

    • terraform >=v1.3.0
    • ansible-playbook >=2.12.12
    • ansible-lint >=5.2.0
  2. Generate an SSH key to access the edge router and bootstrap node:

    ssh-keygen -f ssh_key -t ecdsa -b 521

    If you want to use the existing or generated key with a different name, provide paths for private and public parts of the key in the ssh_private_key_path and ssh_public_key_path variables respectively.

  3. Optional. To reuse the Equinix key object for other deployments, create and apply the Equinix Metal project SSH key, for example, named mcc_infra_access:

    1. Log in to the Equinix Metal console.
    2. Select the project that you want to use for the Container Cloud deployment.
    3. In the "Project Settings" tab, select "Project SSH Keys" and click "Add New Key".
    4. Enter the "Key Name" and "Public Key" values and click "Add".
    5. Inject as the metadata to the created SSH key.
    6. Declare an additional variable in terraform.tfvars: use_existing_ssh_key_name = "mcc_infra_access".

    Note that ssh_private_key_path and ssh_public_key_path should match metadata declared in the "Project SSH key" object.

  4. Create the terraform.tfvars file with all required variables declared in

    • Specify the amount of VLANs required for Container Cloud as vlans_amount in each metro. If deploy_seed or router_as_seed is set to true, one of VLANs will be automatically scoped as the management/regional one, and the bootstrap node will be placed on that VLAN.
    • If router_as_seed is set to true, a separate seed node will not be created. Instead, the router will be configured as a seed node. You will need to use the router to bootstrap Container Cloud.
    • Optional. To enable Internet access on all servers connected to the router, set the enable_internet_access parameter to configure the IP masquerading on the router. It is required if the Equinix regional cluster with private networking is going to be deployed on a public management cluster (for example, on AWS) and the public Container Cloud endpoints must be accessible from machines. For details, see Equinix documentation: Combining Hybrid and Layer 2 Modes.
    • Use the terraform plan command to output help messages for each required variable.
    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply
    terraform output -json > output.json

    Review the following files that are generated using terraform apply:

    • output.json - contains all network specification to provide connectivity for all machines in scope of inter-VLAN operations, both for the edge router and bootstrap node. By default, the bootstrap node will have connectivity to all created VLANs through the edge router.
    • ansible-inventory.yaml - contains credentials to access the created nodes.
  5. Run the following Ansible playbook that reconciles network configuration for the edge router, bootstrap node packages, and network management:

    ansible-lint ansible/private_mcc_infra.yaml
    ansible-playbook ansible/private_mcc_infra.yaml -vvv
  6. Log in to the seed node or to the router (if router_as_seed was set to true) using the ubuntu user name and your specified SSH private key. Credentials and endpoints are located in ansible-inventory.yaml.

  7. Bootstrap Container Cloud:

    1. Download and run the Container Cloud bootstrap script.
    2. Obtain the Mirantis license.
    3. Verify the capacity of the Equinix Metal facility.
    4. Prepare the Equinix Metal configuration.
    5. Finalize the bootstrap.
  8. When the bootstrap completes, adjust the routers_dhcp value in the metros Terraform variable input with the list of IP address(es) of the Ironic DHCP endpoint(s) placed in the management/regional cluster and re-run the following commands:

    terraform plan
    terraform apply
    terraform output -json > output.json
    ansible-playbook ansible/private_mcc_infra.yaml

    To obtain IP addresses themselves from the management/regional cluster:

    kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig.yaml get machines -o yaml | grep privateIp
  9. Optional. If the seed node was used for deployment, you may delete it after a successful Container Cloud management/regional bootstrap. Keep vlans_amount as is but set deploy_seed to false for the related metro in terraform.tfvars:

    terraform plan
    terraform apply
    terraform output -json > output.json
  10. Optional. If you delete the Container Cloud cluster, delete the Terraform template:

    terraform destroy