A free, open-source JavaScript music bot created with discord.js and discord-player. Complete (45+ commands) with persistent settings, effects, filters, auto-play, DJ-roles, and so much more.
- 4
[BUG] - URLs don't play
#181 opened by JarzaClay - 0
[BUG] -DiscordAPIError 50035: Invalid Form Body content[BASE_TYPE_MAX_LENGTH]
#148 opened by NICK-FURY-6023 - 0
[Feature] - Playlists
#144 opened by NatsuyaKirishima - 0
- 0
- 0
[Feature] - button system
#90 opened by NICK-FURY-6023 - 0
[Feature] - Gulid logs or cluster
#89 opened by NICK-FURY-6023 - 0
[Feature] - Dj system
#88 opened by NICK-FURY-6023 - 0
[Feature] - Reverse Queue/Playlist Order
#87 opened by havoczerogaming - 0
Top.gg vote
#71 opened by NICK-FURY-6023 - 0
[Feature] -
#70 opened by NICK-FURY-6023 - 0
[BUG] - invalid "requested by"
#22 opened by Mirasaki - 0
[Feature] - Overview of time played in /stats
#18 opened by Mirasaki