
782nd Chess Server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • General
    • sudo apt install make
  • Frontend
    • sudo apt install nginx
  • Backend
    • sudo apt install docker
    • sudo apt install docker-compose
  • Admin Script
    • pip3 install argcomplete
    • pip3 install requests
    • pip3 install python-dotenv

Testing locally

  • cp example.env .env
  • make backend (Sudo if the user is not a member of the docker group)
  • sudo make frontend
  • sudo make nginx
  • Navigate to http://chess.local in a browser

Running in production

  • cp example.env .env
  • Register your domain for ReCAPTCHA (https://www.google.com/recaptcha/about/)
  • Set RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY in the .env to the values you get from google.
  • make backend (Sudo if the user is not a member of the docker group)
  • sudo make frontend
  • sudo make nginx DOMAIN=<your_domain>
  • Navigate to http://<your_domain> in a browser