
A project illustrating how to cache server response with Redis to decrease server request time.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJs Starter Pack


  • Flow integration
  • VS Code setup
  • Eslint configuration
  • WesBos VS Code Setup
  • Prettier Configuration
  • Attempts using functional programming paradigm
  • VS Code Debug Setup
  • Uses mocha and chai for testing
  • Uses ES6 Modules i.e import and export

Setup Instructions

  1. Pull the repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Modify the .gitignore to ignore the following list of files which have otherwise been committed to ensure hassle-free setup;
    1. .env
    2. .babelrc
    3. .vscode/*
  4. Run flow-typed install to get the flow types setup for your system.

House keeping and running the projects

  1. npm start starts up the production build of the project
  2. npm run debug starts up the development build of the project with the --inspect flag passed in to nodemon. This enables debugging using vscode launch task and attach to process feature.
  3. npm run develop starts checks the code for static typing errors using flow and starts a development server powered by nodemon.
  4. npm run build compiles a development build of your project into the folder lib/
  5. npm run test runs the test suites using mocha