Data Selfie App + Horoscope

Initially this was created during a code-along with the Coding Train videos on YouTube. I completed this project in a few hours to review basic Node.js server setup using simple HTML static files, as well as dip into P5.js. I also included some of the external API stuff from the following code-along videos for "The Weather Here" app. I paid no attention to styling or accessibility - mostly interested in back-end functionality and practicing plain HTML.

Based on the projects by Joey Lee!

After that, I started playing around and created an additional page (/horoscope) that pulled horoscope data from a free external API using user input and displayed the returned info on the DOM.

Intial steps to setup Node server

  • npm init

  • npm install express

  • npm install nodemon (to get live server reload; call this in terminal by saying nodemon index.js)

In index.js:

  • require express
  • app = express();
  • app.listen(port, function)
  • app.use static files, express.json to parse data!

Rest of Basic Project:

  • Use navigator.geolocation on the client side to get location of the browser and display on the DOM
  • Send that info to the server using fetch() POST method
  • install nebd to create a database file; insert data in the post route
  • create a submit button, event listener to submit the data onclick
  • create /logs and create a GET route to get info from the database and display on the DOM
  • add P5.js and code to access webcam and capture images
  • add an input/handler for mood using plain HTML and add it to the database and /logs display page


  • find a free weather API - I'm using - sign up and acquire an API key
  • find the API documentation for getting the weather (you need to send latitude, longitude, and your API key for these particular parameters)
  • in the already-constructed on-click for submitting lat/lon to database, send that info as params to the server
  • construct a GET route that makes a call to the external API (in this case, I installed node-fetch and required it so that I could use fetch in the server - practice with axios next?)
  • install dotenv and require in index.js! -put API in a .env file, put .env in the gitignore
  • remember to send the response back to the client! res.send/res.json
  • Once you get the info back from the weather API, get it set to the database on submit and displaying on the /logs page


  • used axios instead of fetch on the back end
  • used a free API called Aztro through RapidAPI
  • created a new page, /horoscope, and did both scripts and HTML in the same file
  • created the select/form and initially hard-coded data to send to the server ('aries') as params on button click using fetch, async/await
  • created GET route in index.js that used axios to make the external API call and then send the response back to the client
  • figured out how to capture the input data (not as familiar with HTML as React hooks so took me a minute) then sent that data instead of hard-coding it
  • moved the API info to .env