
This repository shares multiple binary logistic classifiers to distinguish between climate change contrarian and convinced written text.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

babyCARDS: Binary computer-assisted recognition of (climate change) contrarian speech

Detecting climate change contrarian language.

This repository shares multiple binary logistic classifiers to distinguish between climate change contrarian and convinced written text. It has been trained on a large corpus of documents by known contrarian and convinced actors and organisations.



Four classifiers have been trained, namely

  1. babyCARDS: a binary logistic classifier on the complete corpus, i.e. blog/ngo/thinktank posts, twitter posts, facebook posts and newspaper articles (N = 4,833,107 posts/articles),

  2. climatebabyCARDS: a binary logistic classifier on a subset of the documents in 1) that mention the keywords climate or global warming (N = 567,638 posts/articles),

  3. climatenewsbabyCARDS: a binary logistic classifier on a subset the blog/ngo/thinktank posts and newspaper articles that mention a climate change or energy related keyword (N = 121,523 posts/articles),

  4. sentenceCARDS: a binary logistic classifier trained on the documents in 1) at the sentence level, and

  5. socialCARDS: a binary logistic classifier only trained twitter and facebook posts (N = 4,493,822 posts).


The trained classifiers can be downloaded here.

Classifier performance

Classifier performance was assessed on a held out testing data set containing only text from "unseen" sources, i.e. organisations, twitter accounts, facebook accounts and newspaper articles that the classifiers have not been trained on, providing an insight into external validity.

Performance babyCARDS:

Validation data:

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.87      0.90      0.88    509797
           1       0.91      0.88      0.90    597768

    accuracy                           0.89   1107565
   macro avg       0.89      0.89      0.89   1107565
weighted avg       0.89      0.89      0.89   1107565

Testing data (unseen organisations, twitter accounts, facebook accounts and newspaper articles):

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.71      0.90      0.80    180897
           1       0.90      0.70      0.79    221956

    accuracy                           0.79    402853
   macro avg       0.80      0.80      0.79    402853
weighted avg       0.81      0.79      0.79    402853

Performance climatebabyCARDS:

Validation data:

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.93      0.94      0.94     69659
           1       0.93      0.92      0.92     56967

    accuracy                           0.93    126626
   macro avg       0.93      0.93      0.93    126626
weighted avg       0.93      0.93      0.93    126626

Testing data (unseen organisations, twitter accounts, facebook accounts and newspaper articles):

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.71      0.93      0.81     24090
           1       0.95      0.75      0.84     37052

    accuracy                           0.82     61142
   macro avg       0.83      0.84      0.82     61142
weighted avg       0.85      0.82      0.83     61142

Performance climatenewsbabyCARDS:

Validation data:

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.92      0.91      0.91     14668
           1       0.95      0.95      0.95     25841

    accuracy                           0.94     40509
   macro avg       0.93      0.93      0.93     40509
weighted avg       0.94      0.94      0.94     40509

Testing data (unseen bloggers and newspaper articles):

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.93      0.91      0.92      7337
           1       0.94      0.95      0.95     11443

    accuracy                           0.94     18780
   macro avg       0.93      0.93      0.93     18780
weighted avg       0.94      0.94      0.94     18780


Validation data (limited to newspaper articles):

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.96      0.84      0.90      1153
           1       0.78      0.94      0.86       691

    accuracy                           0.88      1844
   macro avg       0.87      0.89      0.88      1844
weighted avg       0.89      0.88      0.88      1844

Testing data (limited to newspaper articles):

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.95      0.82      0.88       805
           1       0.76      0.93      0.84       496

    accuracy                           0.86      1301
   macro avg       0.86      0.88      0.86      1301
weighted avg       0.88      0.86      0.87      1301

Performance sentenceCARDS:

Validation data:

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.74      0.76      0.75   1437268
           1       0.84      0.83      0.83   2161986

    accuracy                           0.80   3599254
   macro avg       0.79      0.79      0.79   3599254
weighted avg       0.80      0.80      0.80   3599254

Testing data (unseen organisations, twitter accounts, facebook accounts and newspaper articles):

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.69      0.79      0.74    757918
           1       0.84      0.75      0.79   1075225

    accuracy                           0.77   1833143
   macro avg       0.76      0.77      0.76   1833143
weighted avg       0.78      0.77      0.77   1833143

Performance socialCARDS:

Validation data:

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.88      0.90      0.89    484130
           1       0.91      0.89      0.90    547607

    accuracy                           0.90   1031737
   macro avg       0.90      0.90      0.90   1031737
weighted avg       0.90      0.90      0.90   1031737

Testing data (unseen twitter and facebook accounts):

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.70      0.90      0.79    166797
           1       0.89      0.67      0.77    200079

    accuracy                           0.78    366876
   macro avg       0.79      0.79      0.78    366876
weighted avg       0.80      0.78      0.78    366876



All posts/articles (N) Convinced Contrarian โˆ‘ Climate related (CR) Convinced Contrarian โˆ‘
blog/thinktank/ngo 110773 219535 330308 blog/thinktank/ngo 54748 112068 166816
facebook 527951 425551 953502 facebook 44231 31055 75286
newspaper 5488 3489 8977 newspaper 4886 2762 7648
twitter 1573621 1966699 3540320 twitter 199641 118247 317888
โˆ‘ 2217833 2615274 4833107 โˆ‘ 303506 264132 567638



The following tables summarise the documents used to train the different classifiers. Each table provides document counts per organisation/actor for a different medium (blog, thinktank, ngo, twitter, facebook, newspaper) by side (convinced/contrarian).

The columns N display the total document counts used for babyCARDS, sentenceCARDS and socialCARDS (limited to the twitter and facebook table), whereas the columns CR show the climate related document counts used for the climatebabyCARDS classifier.


Convinced (0)                                   N           CR Contrarian (1)                                   N           CR
desmogblog.com 42 39 anhonestclimatedebate 982 850
grist.org 51101 19150 australianclimatemadness 2526 2137
realclimate.org 494 471 bishop_hill 5204 2852
scienceblogs.com 2201 1116 bobtisdale 888 711
skepticalscience.com 2794 2747 c3headlines 2122 1796
yaleclimateconnections.org 1614 1583 chiefio 1616 575
cliffmass 1506 277
climate_resistance 572 549
climate_skeptic 619 517
climateaudit 2506 1626
climatechangedispatch 3318 2991
climateconversation 894 743
climatesanity 175 97
co2science 5230 3696
coolerheads 3158 1971
coyoteblog 6294 670
dailybayonet 1398 679
drtimball 207 203
galileomovement 26 21
gorelied 981 691
gwpf 163 163
hauntingthelibrary 174 155
hockeyschtick 2582 2126
iceagenow 4004 1155
jonova 1841 1445
judith_curry 1333 1276
junkscience 18649 7722
klimatupplysningen 4735 3400
manicbeancounter 393 221
marohasy 2992 1536
masterresource 1847 1025
motls 6023 1809
noconsensus 1312 905
nofrakkingconsensus 605 281
notalotofpeopleknowthat 1929 1097
notrickszone 2351 1873
nzclimatescience 256 208
omnologos 2172 879
principia-scientific 984 654
rankexploits 1267 617
rationaloptimist 513 176
real_science 11141 4909
realclimatescience 271 185
roger_pielke 2206 2077
rogerpielkejr 1563 992
roy_spencer 595 376
scottish_sceptic 728 555
small_dead_animals 14373 940
sppi 2525 1962
tallbloke 2455 1161
thelukewarmersway 290 274
theresilientearth 497 433
tom_nelson 21740 17831
warwickhughes 851 352
wmbriggs 2363 555
worldclimatereport 515 504
wuwt 12676 9550


Convinced (0)                                   N           CR Contrarian (1)                                   N           CR
350.org 2718 2131
c2es.org 106 105
ceres.org 231 231
climaterealityproject.org 778 748
climatesolutions.org 532 509
earthjustice.org 1614 649
edf.org 193 186
foe.org 2341 1409
greenpeace.org 1578 1462
iclei.org 543 390
nature.org 1771 593
nrdc.org 9990 7170
nwf.org 8643 3428
sierraclub.org 7253 3170
ucsusa.org 1967 1880
usclimatenetwork.org 45 45
wri.org 2615 1992


Convinced (0)                                   N           CR Contrarian (1)                                   N           CR
brookings.edu 6976 1609 aei.org 1649 1492
cifor.org 17 17 cato.org 28 28
cmcc.it 586 511 cei.org 3600 3465
die-gdi.de 137 134 cfact.org 1613 1578
iiasa.ac.at 407 238 fraserinstitute.org 1047 212
odi.org 722 310 free-eco.org 909 149
pik-potsdam.de 529 528 heartland.org 31990 6027
teriin.org 147 111 heritage.org 333 333
ufz.de 88 86 hoover.org 532 459
hudson.org 2853 276
manhattan-institute.org 389 364
marshall.org 130 127
ncpa.org 112 30
ncppr.org 1246 586
pacificresearch.org 441 429
reason.org 37 28
sppiblog.org 1490 1454


Convinced (0) N CR Contrarian (1) N CR
Al Gore 2775 1143 ACSH 1654 10
Bill McKibben 26466 3684 AEI 21920 71
Bloomberg Green 24073 5464 Activist Post 152940 854
Carbon Brief 45744 17182 Alex Epstein 8307 969
Climate Central 58643 21163 Alexandra Marshall 71575 1784
Climate Council 20347 9237 Bjorn Lomborg 6723 1886
Climate Power 36997 11266 Breitbart News 143929 617
Climate Tracker 10932 4436 CFACT 7616 2685
Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson ๐Ÿ™ 27 5 Capital Research 4655 118
Dr. Genevieve Guenther 35872 8479 Cato Institute 55279 548
Dr. Kim Cobb 6352 1336 CatoTheYounger 80847 1540
EDF 29661 8687 Climate Realists 3158 553
Ed Hawkins 8059 1690 Competitive Enterprise Institute 23678 1155
Friends of the Earth - since 1971 28601 3567 David Rose 7037 486
Gavin Schmidt 18142 2227 Energy Brief 6820 760
Global Action Plan 10766 703 Energy Citizens 7198 85
Greenpeace UK 34934 3126 Fox News 60680 67
Greta Thunberg 2351 1044 FreedomWorks 103528 613
HuffPost Green 840 92 Friends of Science 64861 20694
IPCC 5315 3390 Frontiers of Freedom 1841 41
Kate Marvel 5372 877 George Szabo 56773 426
Mark Z. Jacobson 14425 1606 HaveWeAllGoneMad 47747 783
Marshall Shepherd 48374 4280 Heritage Foundation 79397 814
NASA Climate 3612 1329 Hudson Institute 6602 33
Naomi Klein 7588 723 Institute for Energy Research 18435 1217
Oxfam 87866 1234 Ivo Vegter 63040 1184
Pew Environment 33825 1103 Judith Curry 7416 2842
Planet Green 67541 739 Manhattan Institute 71510 856
Prof Michael E. Mann 63105 15607 Marc Morano 6775 1970
Prof. Katharine Hayhoe 39969 7865 Matt Ridley 11633 439
Project Drawdown 2677 1241 Michael Shellenberger 10527 811
Sunrise Movement ๐ŸŒ… 12457 3438 Mike Jagger 49428 5202
The Conversation 62156 1870 Mr. Ross 43943 2825
The Ecologist 18589 2850 Naomi Seibt 1952 120
The Guardian 329360 2983 National Center 6545 429
The Nature Conservancy 27314 2916 Nigellaโ„ข๏ธ 42135 434
The Washington Post 133800 1136 ORWELL WAS RIGHT 28495 1630
Treehugger.com 51727 1951 PRI 11008 93
UN Climate Change 20713 11616 Patrick Moore 22721 4963
UN Environment Programme 25598 5166 Reason Foundation 2285 21
Union of Concerned Scientists 15433 2919 Roger Pielke Jr. 8385 1067
WWF Climate & Energy 5907 3355 Ryan 3580 336
grist 89316 14916 Stephen McIntyre 2200 48
Steve Milloy 9680 2942
Stop These Things 6321 96
The Daily Signal 47895 497
The Fraser Institute 11191 249
The Heartland Institute 43463 7972
The Prospector 1056 48
Toima 45898 2504
Tom Nelson 4811 2675
Tony Heller 147380 25424
Totally Fake 'President' James Delingpole 56578 785
USA RCRessler 8752 109
Washington Policy 2299 40
Watts Up With That 29719 8983
rmack2x 55015 1792
velardedaoiz2 58870 51


Convinced (0) N CR Contrarian (1) N CR
Al Gore 967 514 Acton Institute 9569 68
Bloomberg Green 11007 2048 American Council on Science and Health 8028 38
Carbon Brief 2136 1084 American Enterprise Institute 5847 27
Climate Central 10735 4225 American Policy Center 234 4
Climate Power 8980 2278 Breitbart 102038 524
Climate Tracker 5434 2504 CFACT 3484 2045
Dr. Marshall Shepherd 3308 506 CO2 Coalition 974 419
Ed Hawkins 163 68 Capital Research Center 3151 95
Environmental Defense Fund 4649 1601 Climate Change Dispatch 6276 4694
Friends of the Earth 2997 690 Climate Change LIES 3552 1064
Global Action Plan 670 68 Climate Change is Crap 2842 1112
Greenpeace UK 10935 1318 Climate Depot 289 122
Greta Thunberg 960 655 Climate change is natural 24068 3833
Grist.org 27765 4130 Competitive Enterprise Institute 5246 295
HuffPost 116126 349 Discovery Institute 2296 21
IPCC 2626 1264 Ethan Allen Institute 2297 130
Katharine Hayhoe 1309 969 Fdtn. for Research on Economics and the Environment 25 1
Michael E. Mann 7865 5419 Fox News 90708 336
NASA Climate Change 1814 786 FreedomWorks 11083 73
Naomi Klein 2330 240 Friends of Science 9874 3459
Oxfam Great Britain 2263 159 Frontiers of Freedom 1678 82
Planet Green 14678 112 Heartland Institute 6309 970
Project Drawdown 1255 595 Hudson Institute 1176 5
Sunrise Movement 2040 808 I Love Carbon Dioxide 1840 503
The Climate Council 3944 1716 Inconvenient Facts 1233 492
The Conversation 18070 596 Independent Institute 15970 197
The Ecologist 7497 988 Is There Global Cooling 1967 458
The Guardian 102723 772 Junk Science 27 0
The Nature Conservancy 3478 332 Manhattan Institute for Policy Research 3934 55
The Pew Charitable Trusts 3764 40 Master Resource Blog 206 63
TreeHugger 24823 440 National Center for Public Policy Research 3028 102
UN Climate Change 5498 3187 Pacific Research Institute 5473 59
UN Environment Programme 6846 1770 Property & Environment Research Center (PERC) 2715 97
Union of Concerned Scientists 3191 735 Reason Foundation 695 8
WWF Climate & Energy Practice 752 487 Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council 2573 7
Washington Post 104353 778 South Carolina Policy Council 976 1
The Cato Institute 12989 144
The Daily Signal 24674 221
The Fraser Institute 3963 68
The Galileo Movement 1011 258
The Heritage Foundation 22406 204
The Rational Optimist 1 0
Washington Policy Center 2691 60
World Wide Protest Against the Global Warming SCAM 483 225
wattsupwiththat 15652 8416


Convinced (0)                                   N           CR Contrarian (1)                                   N           CR
The Conversation 1099 1028 Daily Telegraph 746 613
The Guardian 2192 2018 Herald-Sun 467 275
The Washington Post 2197 1840 The Australian 2276 1874


The newly added classifier for climate-related news articles climatenewsbabyCARDS includes some improvements: 1) a script to estimate the best regularisation strength C to avoid overfitting, 2) an extra tokenisation step providing better tokenisation than simply relying on the TfidfVectorizer tokenisation, 3) a function to investigate the most informative features of the trained classifier or for a specific text, and 4) a new script providing the inference code. These changes still need to be implemented for the remaining classifiers.


Thanks to Constantine Boussalis, Travis Coan, John Cook and Mohit Gupta for their collaboration and their contributions to the data and code! โญ๐ŸŒŸ