
Converts between `px` and `rem` units in VSCode

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Converts between px and rem units in VSCode



ext install cssrem

How To Use

  • Auto snippet
  • CLI: Press F1, enter cssrem

Support Language

html vue css less scss sass stylus tpl(php smarty3)


The .cssrem file in the root directory has the highest priority, and it's format is as follows:

  "rootFontSize": 18,
  "fixedDigits": 3

Secondly, you can also configure the global. Open your user and workspace settings (File > Preferences > Settings):

Name Description Default
cssrem.rootFontSize root font-size (Unit: px) 16
cssrem.fixedDigits Keeping decimal point maximum length 6
cssrem.autoRemovePrefixZero Automatically remove prefix 0 true
cssrem.ingoresViaCommand Ignores px to rem when trigger command (Unit: string[]), can be set [ "1px", "0.5px" ] []
cssrem.wxssScreenWidth WXSS小程序样式 规定屏幕宽度,默认 750尺寸单位 750
cssrem.wxssDeviceWidth WXSS小程序样式 设备分辨率宽度,官方推荐使用 iPhone6 作为视觉稿的标准 375

NOTE: Muse be restart vscode after modification