
Laravel package to handle laravel logs via telegram bot

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


PHP Laravel package to debug and handle logs via telegram bot

License Packagist Version Packagist Version



Install the package via composer

composer require milly/laralog

Publish the configuration file

 php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laralog-config

Add the following environment variables to your .env file or set them in the config/laralog.php file



The package provides the following methods to send log messages to the telegram bot

  • Laralog::debug(int|string|array|object $message)
  • Laralog::info(int|string|array|object $message)
  • Laralog::warning(int|string|array|object $message)
  • Laralog::error(int|string|array|object $message)


Send a log message to the telegram bot

use Milly\Laralog\Laralog;

// call statically
Laralog::debug('This is a debug message');

//call instance
$laralog = new Laralog();
$laralog->info('This is an info message');

And you will receive a message in your telegram bot with the debug message like this:

Development mode

By default, the package is in the development mode, which means that it will send messages only if the APP_ENV is set to local. If you want to send messages in the production mode, you need to set the is_enabled key to true in the config/laralog.php file

return [
    'is_enabled' => true,
    'telegram_bot_token' => env('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN'),
    'telegram_chat_id' => env('TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID'),


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.