
A template for a Flutter project.


This project is a template for a Flutter application.

Getting Started

  1. Create a new flutter app.
  2. Fetch the files from this template: 2.1 Android - key.properties.example and take a look at app/build.gradle), 2.2 lib 2.3 test, 2.4 pubspec 2.5 analysis_options
  3. Setup a Firebase project: 3.1 - Create a project in firebase 3.2 - run firebase login to authenticate your terminal 3.3 - run flutterfire configure --project=<name-of-your-project>
  4. Search for // TODO and make changes where needed.
  5. Change the bundle id for ALL environments (Android, iOS, etc)
  6. Run flutter create . in the terminal
  7. Replace all instances of package imports (package:template) from the template app with your app name.
  8. Setup a Firebase project.
  9. Initialize Firebase.
  10. To generate the localizations, run flutter gen-l10n --untranslated-messages-file=lib/l10n/untranslated_messages.json


Apple (for iOS only devices)

  1. Follow the guide on https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/ios/apple?hl=en&authuser=0
  2. Add Apple Sign in capability in XCode


  1. For Android - Follow the signing steps below to generate debug and release SHA1 and SHA256 and add it to your firebase project
  2. For Apple - Add the following to your project/ios/info.plist file:
<!-- TODO: replace with **CLIENT_ID** from _GoogleService-Info.plist_ -->
            <!-- TODO: replace with **REVERSED_CLIENT_ID** from _GoogleService-Info.plist_ -->

This template depends on:

  1. Getx
    1. State management
    2. Context-less navigation
    3. Context-less dialogs
    4. Context-less screen Sizes
    5. Context-less l10n
  2. Firebase
    1. Authentication
    2. Firestore Database
    3. Crashlytics


This template features:

  1. pad() -> fast way to add Padding
  2. class Txts -> fast way to add Text
  3. Easy way to add RichText
  4. Extensions for easy access to nullable and/or empty Strings and Lists
  5. Material 3 color scheme
  6. T&C and Privacy policy widget
  7. Easy way to use Text Form Field
  8. Validators

Signing (Android)

) Debug:

  1. Get the SHA1 and SHA256 with:
    keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore
  2. And write the password "android"

b) Release:

  1. Navigate to the directory for they key and generate the key with:
    keytool -genkeypair -v -keystore VVVVVV.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias VVVVVV -keypass VVVVVV -storepass VVVVVV
  2. Get the SHA1 and SHA256 with:
   keytool -list -v -keystore VVVVVVV.jks -alias VVVVVVV -storepass VVVVVVV -keypass VVVVVVV