
The SQL operation help tool of Vert.x

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


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vertx-sql-assist is the SQL operation help tool of Vert.x, which provides the support of insert, delete, update, query, join, paging query, cooperate with SqlAssist help class, it basically does not need to write a line of SQL code.

We recommend that you use ScrewDriver to generate code, so you will find the world very beautiful!


To use vertx-sql-assist, add the following dependency to the dependencies section of your build descriptor


SQL class method description

  • getCount Get the total number of data rows
  • selectAll Query multiple rows of data
  • limitAll Paging query
  • selectById Query data by ID
  • selectByObj Query data by attributes that are not empty in the object
  • selectSingleByObj Query the first row of data returned by data withdrawal through the attribute not empty in the object
  • insertBatch Batch add insert
  • insertAll Insert an object including a value with a null property value
  • insertNonEmpty Insert an object, only the property whose value is not null
  • insertNonEmptyGeneratedKeys Insert an object, only the property whose value is not null,and get result id
  • replace Insert an object. If the object does not exist, create a new one. If the object already exists, update it
  • updateAllById Update all properties in an object, including null value, if it is the primary key value in the object
  • updateAllByAssist Update all properties in an object including null value, by SqlAssist
  • updateNonEmptyById Update a non null value of a property in an object, by ID
  • updateNonEmptyByAssist Update a non null value of a property in an object, by SqlAssist
  • updateSetNullById Set the column to null by ID
  • updateSetNullByAssist Set the column to null by SqlAssist
  • deleteById Delete by ID
  • deleteByAssist Delete by SqlAssist
  • queryAsObj Execution query result is JsonObject
  • queryAsList Execution query result is List
  • update Execution update result is number of affected rows
  • updateResult Execution update and get result
  • batch Batch Execution
  • execute Pool Execution

SqlAssist method description

  • setOrders Set OrderBy with SqlAssist.order(column,mode)
  • setGroupBy Set GroupBy
  • setHaving Set Having
  • setDistincts Set distinct or not, true De duplicate
  • setPage Set the page number. The value is only valid in the limitAll method , finally will be converted to startRow
  • setStartRow Set data start row
  • setRowSize Set how many rows of data to get
  • setResultColumn Set to return column, Multiple columns are separated by ,
  • setJoinOrReference Set join query or multi table query statement
  • and Add and condition
  • or Add or condition
  • andEq Add and equal condition
  • orEq Add or equal condition
  • andNeq Add and not equal condition
  • orNeq Add or not equal condition
  • andLt Add and less than condition
  • orLt Add or less than condition
  • andLte Add and less than or equal to condition
  • orLte Add or less than or equal to condition
  • andGt Add and greater than condition
  • orGt Add or greater than condition
  • andGte Add and greater than or equal to condition
  • orGte Add or greater than or equal to condition
  • andLike Add and like condition
  • orLike Add or like condition
  • andNotLike Add and not like condition
  • orNotLike Add or not like condition
  • andIsNull Add and is null condition
  • orIsNull Add or is null condition
  • andIsNotNull Add and is not null condition
  • orIsNotNull Add or is not null condition
  • setConditions Add query condition
  • customCondition Add custom query condition

SqlAssist Use example

Example project

// (1)Create SqlAssist
SqlAssist assist = new SqlAssist();
// (2)Add condition type=1 or 3,equivalent to SQL: where type=1 or type=3
assist.orEq("type", 1).orEq("type", 3);
// (3)Eliminating duplicate data ,equivalent to SQL: select distinct ...
// (4)Custom return column only [id,type,name,seq]
// (5)order by seq desc
assist.setOrders(SqlAssist.order("seq", false));
// (6)To get the data of lines 20-35 in the database, you can also use setpage (page number) to get the data by page,equivalent to SQL: limit 20,15
// (7)Execute get data
Future future=Promise.promise().future();
future.setHandler(//Processed results);

For more help, see the method notes for SqlAssist class

How use it?


1.Create entity class

@Table("table name")
public class User {
  @TableId("primary key")
  private Long id;
  @TableColumn("column name")
  private String name;
  @TableColumn(value = "column name", alias = "column name,is not required")
  private Integer type;
  //Other necessary

2.Create SQL class and extends CommonSQL

public class UserSQL extends CommonSQL<User,JDBCPool> {//(1)
	public UserSQL(SQLExecute<JDBCPool> execute) {
  //The User must be an entity class annotation with @Table, @TableId, @TableColumn,Or rewrite a SQLStatement that implements the table name, ID, and returns the column to pass to CommonSQL
  //JDBCPool can be another database client
  //Override other methods


public static void main(String[] args) {
  // Other necessary
  UserSQL userSQL = new UserSQL(SQLExecute.createJDBC(JDBCPool));
  // Query Example
  // Create SqlAssist
  SqlAssist assist = new SqlAssist();
  assist.andEq("type", 1);
  assist.setOrders(SqlAssist.order("id", true));
  // Execution query
    if (res.succeeded()) {
    }else {
  //Save Example
  User user =new User();
  userSQL.insertNonEmpty(user,res->{//Processed results});

common setting

Set different database SQL statements SQL statement uses MySQL standard statement by default,You can set different database SQL statements through SQLStatement,support : MySQL、PostgreSQL、Oracle、DB2、SQL Server、SQLite,For example, if you set it to Oracle, you can:


Set limit data return result name The default value of data return result name is:totals=Total data rows,pages=Total data pages ,page=Current page number,size=How many rows of data are displayed per page,data=Result data,If you want to change the data result name to something else, you can:

SqlLimitResult.registerResultKey("totals", "counts");