
Template for greeting messages

Primary LanguageRuby


Template for g_messages

Each method of process calls all data from JSON as it goes. Versus batching style calls previously.

Designed to match inputs against files with option of writing your own db adaptor.

If matches are found ...

  1. It uses your specific template or the default template
  2. It grabs a list of placeholders
  3. It attempts to locate each placeholder's value & compute a time based greeting
  4. It will substitute each value into the template, checking none are blank



  • From the 'lib' directory run ruby master.rb -h to list options

Usage: master [options]

  • --f, --first_name FIRST_NAME
  • --l, --last_name LAST_NAME
  • --c, --company_name COMPANY_NAME
  • --t, --template_name TEMPLATE_NAME
  • --d, --directory_name DATA_DIRECTORY

Notes & explainations