
Write a loading object

Mirv opened this issue · 3 comments

Mirv commented

a file loading class as super/abstract class

private methods to be called by child classes that

  • dir not found - skipping in favor of single test loading file for now
  • file not found issue from ruby load error
  • file not compatible - skipping in favor of single test loading file for now
Mirv commented

Not in use & removed from project in favor of common file loader ...

LoadTemplate a class extending loading class to handle template data

  • set test file errors if not there
  • set test file doesn't error if found
  • function / method overwrite 'load'
Mirv commented

Without the error reporting hooks in the LoadData class it looks useless, but will be where we stick the db related calls.

Mirv commented

When examining the rspec tests for getting the JSON files of user/company/etc - we appear to have another class revealing itself.

Previously envisioned structure ...

DataLoad > Guests / Company / Template
DataLoad > DBLoad

Imagined structure ...

DataLoad > FileLoad > Guests / Company / Template
DataLoad > DBLoad

As the file loading ones have the same testing needs.