- This project is to predict if the patient has hepatitis or not.
- The ML model has an accuracy up to 88%.
- We used logistic regression model.
- Logistic regression : is a process of modeling the probability of a discrete outcome given an input variable. The most common logistic regression models a binary outcome; something that can take two values such as true/false, yes/no, and so on. so we use logistic regression as we need to know if the patient has hepatitis or not.
First page as we descripe the ML model, accuracy and senstivity.
Second page as we ask some question to collect some information from the patient (like:name, age, ) to predict the disease.
- Streamlit verion : 1.20.0
- CSS version : 3
- Python version : 3.10.8
- numpy version : 1.22.3
- scikit_learn version: 1.0.2
To run this project, install it locally using pip:
$ cd .."streamlit run app.py"
$ pip install "required_modules"