

Primary LanguagePython

Signal Studio

Table of contents


  • Our website is made by streamlit -python-.
  • All graphs are implemeted using plotly.


General Information

  • Our website will give you multiple features to analyze your signals:

    As our website is designed for :

    • plotting your desired signals by determine signals frequency and amplitude.
    • Add Multiple signals at the same time and show the final output signal.
    • Upload signal from your files in csv formateand show it.
    • Remove any signal you have added by selecting and deleting it.
    • Add noise to your signal by determine signal to noise ratio(SNR) Which has a range if SNR=0 that means noise is extrem and if SNR=50 that means signal will appear without noise.
    • sample your signal with 2 options:

    By determine frequency you want in HZ OR By sampling with Max_frequency Scale (I wnant to sample with fmax,2fmax.....,10fmax)

    • reconstruct your signal and this has more one option (you can't reconstrict it nicely if your sampling frecency <2fmax (according to nquist's law ), and you can reconstruct it well if sampling frequency >= 2fmax)
    • Our website provide saving each graph of your signal as png and zooming in or out, also you can doenload your reconstructed signal in csv formate as well.

Task Info

Course: Digital Signal Processing

3rd Year, 1st Semester

Date: 1/11/2022


  • Misara Ahmed, Sec.2, B.N. 43
  • Rawan mohamed, Sec.1 B.N. 34
  • Rawan Abdelrahman, Sec.1, B.N. 32
  • Rahma Abdelkader, Sec.1 B.N. 31


-These following screenshots will show our features .

Our website with default signal before any action


Adding 2 signal with different frequency

Adding_signals -There are many scenarios when sampling:

Sampling with frequency scale with sampling frequency < 2 fmax (Fmax=6.5 Hz as shown )


Sampling with frequency scale with sampling frequency = 2 fmax (Fmax=6.5 Hz as shown )


Samplind with frequency scale with sampling frequency > 2 fmax (Fmax=6.5 Hz as shown )


Sampling 2 signals (4hz&8hz) with sampling frequency=6hz

case png

sampling with 2fmax with noise


sampling with Fmax scale


Uploading & downloading

Download Uploading