
A joke compiler plugin to make your projects more OwO/UwU.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

OwO Java

Would you like to teach your imaginary catgirl waifu how to code, but she has trouble with understanding programming languages? Then you should definitely try this compiler plugin for Java.

This compiler plugin is only compatible with javac. Other compilers, such as jdt, will not work. While this plugin should work correctly with any OpenJDK version since 11, it has only been tested with OpenJDK 17.


First, make sure you have OpenJDK 11 or newer (or any OpenJDK fork).

In order to build this compiler plugin, just run this command
./gradlew build (or gradlew build on Windows)
The compiled plugin can be then found in build/libs/


In order to use the compiler plugin, use this command:
javac -J--add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.parser=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-exports=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util=ALL-UNNAMED -cp owojava.jar -Xplugin:OwoPlugin Example.java

The exports are currently required.

How does it work?

This compiler plugin manipulates with com.sun.tools.javac.parser.Tokens and com.sun.tools.javac.util.Names. By manipulating with these classes, OwO Java Plugin is able to replace the original keywords with more OwO variants. In the following table you can see the old and the new keywords (keywords which are not mentioned stayed the same):

Original Keyword OwO keyword Original Keyword OwO keyword
abstract abstwact strictfp stwictfp
boolean boowean super supew
break bweak synchronized synchwonyized
char chaw throw thwow
class cwass throws thwows
continue continyue transient twansient
default defauwt try twy
double doubwe volatile vowatiwe
else ewse while whiwe
enum enyum true twue
final finyaw false fawse
finally finyawwy null nyuww
float fwoat var vaw
for fow exports expowts
implements impwements module moduwe
import impowt provides pwovides
interface intewface requires wequiwes
long wong transitive twansitive
native nyative yield yiewd
new nyew record wecowd
private pwivate sealed seawed
orotected pwotected permits pewmits
public pubwic non nyon
return wetuwn short showt

Future Plans

  • Hack the module system, so we do not have to use --add-exports
  • Manipulate with imports and name resolution so the standard library can be OwO'ified as well.


This project is licensed under the MIT License