Welcome to the Global Core Tech Internship on Data Science with Python! This four-week program, from October 26th to November 24th, equips you with essential skills in data science using Python, focusing on libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and exploratory data analysis (EDA).
- Prerequisites
- Python 3.7 Installation
- Setting up the Environment
- Getting Started
- Verifying Python Installation
- Installing Libraries
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- Projects
- Download Python 3.7 from python.org.
- Run the Windows x86-64 executable installer.
- During installation, ensure to:
- Add Python 3.7 to your system PATH.
- Select "Install launcher for all users" and "Add Python 3.7 to PATH."
- Complete the installation process and verify Python 3.7 installation by running:
python --version
- Open a command prompt and execute:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Python3
- Edit system variables, adding
C:\Program Files\Python3
to the PATH variable. - Verify the Python version:
python --version
Ensure Python 3.7 is installed:
python --version
Install required libraries using pip:
pip install numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn plotly
After installation, close the command prompt.
Verify libraries by running commands in Python IDLE for Python 3.7.0:
import pip
import numpy
import pandas
import matplotlib
import seaborn
import plotly
Explore and analyze data using installed libraries. During this internship, work on data science projects in Jupyter Notebook using Python 3.7.0. One project is the Online Shopping Sentiment Analysis Project: Flipkart.
Project Description: Analyze sentiment in online shopping reviews on Flipkart. Classify reviews into positive, negative, or neutral sentiments, providing valuable insights for consumers and businesses.
Project Goals:
- Collect and preprocess data from Flipkart reviews.
- Perform text analysis and sentiment classification.
- Create visualizations to present findings effectively.
- Draw conclusions and make recommendations based on sentiment analysis results.
This project allows you to apply knowledge gained during the internship to a real-world data science scenario, showcasing your abilities as a data scientist.