
Liberty Education Project site

Primary LanguageHTMLCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Liberty Education Project site

Creating an article:

Convert *.docx (not *.doc) file to *.md via pandoc.

pandoc -o new-file-in-markdown.md edited-article-version-in.docx

Create new empty aticle:

> hugo new article/new-article-name.md
~/mises.in.ua/content/article/new-article-name.md created

Empty article ~/mises.in.ua/content/article/new-article-name.md created from template:

author = "author name"
date = "2016-10-22T10:31:58+03:00"
draft = true
tags = ["x", "y"]
title = "new article name"


Fill attributes and copy markdown.

author = "Людвиг фон Мизес"
date = "2016-10-22T10:31:58+03:00"
draft = true
tags = ["Людвиг фон Мизес", "австрийская школа", "экономические циклы"]
title = "Австрийская теория экономического цикла"

## h2 titles only - h1 comes from *title* attribute
Regular text

Start server:

hugo server --theme=hugo-geo --buildDrafts

Check result at http://localhost:1313/

Create new brunch, push to github and open pull request.

Deploy to mises.in.ua

cap production deploy