Laravel - Active menu helper

Blade directives for Laravel 5.1+ to manage menu states in a clean and easy way.


# 1) Require it with composer
composer require activismebe/laravel-active-menu

# 2) Register the Service provider in your config. 


Call @actvate(...) to specify the activated menu:


Now call @active(...) irective to know if a specified menu is active:

        <a href="/settings">Settings</a>

        <ul class="dropdown">
            <li class="@active('security_settings')">
                <a href="/setings/security">Security</a>

This directive will print the string active if the given menu is activated. The example above will result on the following HTML:

        <a href="/settings">Settings</a>
        <ul class="dropdown">
            <li class="active">
                <a href="/settings/security">Security</a>

Now just add a a { ... } styles to your CSS and you're ready.

Using dot-notation

Use dot-notation to activate the menu cascade up, for example, using this directive:


This will activate settings and, so the following directives will print the string active:


Change the class name

You can change the class name passing it as a second parameter:

@active('user.account', 'link-active')

But I really recomend you stick to the convention and use the default value.