
Onze standalone template voor petities zowel mailing petities al normale petities?

Primary LanguagePHP


Kinderrechten.activisme.be is the petition platform that we use for issuing the immigration policy in policy. That allows putting children in domestic blocks. Surrounded with fences.

You may use this project under your own risk. But notice that we offer no support whatsoever. We alse don't follow semver for this project and won't guarantee that the code (specially the master branch) is stable. In short: when using this, you're on your own.


This guide assumes you're using Laravel Valet

Laravel app

Download the master branch

git clone https://github.com/Misfits-BE/Petition-Standalone.git

Install the composer dependencies

composer install

Make a copy .env.example and rename to .env

Finally make sure you have a database namen actb_kinderrechten and run the migrations and seeds

php artisan migrate --seed


Installing kinderrechten.activisme.be front end dependencies requires npm.

npm install

kinderrechten.activisme.be uses Laravel Mix to build assets. To build assets run:

npm run dev

Available buils tasks are defined in package.json


  • Most of our project are in Dutch. You can change the language in config/app.php



Generally we con't accept any PR requests to kinderrechten.activisme.be. Uf you discovered a bug or have an idea to improve the code, contact us first before start coding.


kinderrechten.activisme.be and the Laravel framework are open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.