Slack data Analysis

slack data alalysis is a project whose aim is to extract valuable insights from an anonymized slack messages.

Table of Content


  • Performs Explanatory Data Analysis to answer the following question
    • Who are the top and bottom 10 users by
      • Reply count?
      • Mention?
      • Message count?
      • Reaction count?
    • What are the top 10 messages by
      • Replies?
      • Reactions?
      • mentions?
    • Which channel has the highest activity?
    • Which fraction of messages are replied within the first 5mins?
  • Classifies messages and comments into two tags Technical and Non-Technical
  • Topic modeling and sentiment analysis
  • Predictive modeling and analysis
  • Network Analysis

Getting Started

Using Conda

If you prefer Conda as your package manager:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Navigate to your project directory.

  3. Run the following command to create a new Conda environment:

    conda create --name your_env_name python=3.12

    Replace your_env_name with the desired name for your environment e.g. myenv and 3.12 with your preferred Python version.

  4. Activate the environment:

    conda activate your_env_name

Using Virtualenv

If you prefer using venv, Python's built-in virtual environment module:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Navigate to your project directory.

  3. Run the following command to create a new virtual environment:

    python -m venv your_env_name

    Replace your_env_name with the desired name for your environment.

  4. Activate the environment:

    • On Windows:
    • On macOS/Linux:
    source your_env_name/bin/activate

Now, your virtual environment is created and activated. You can install packages and run your Python scripts within this isolated environment. Don't forget to install required packages using pip or conda once the environment is activated.

Clone this package

To install the network_analysis package, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd network_analysis
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt



Configure the package by modifying the src/ file. Adjust parameters such as file paths, API keys, or any other configuration settings relevant to your use case.

Data Loading

The package provides a data loader module ( in the src directory. Use this module to load your network data into a format suitable for analysis.


from src.loader import DataLoader

# Initialize DataLoader
data_loader = DataLoader()

# Load data from a Slack channel
slack_data = data_loader.load_slack_data("path/to/slack_channel_data")