
Preprocessing module for one single dataset.

It includes cleaning, imputation, outlier detection modules. And It also has dataRemoveByNaN module which remove a part of data according to the NaN status.

1. (+ makeNaNImputationTest.ipynb)

This is the code to test the data_preprocessing module Input can be both file or inlxlufDB (If you want to change db and measurement name, you need to modify


2-1. function ByAllMethod(input_data, refine_param, outlier_param, imputation_param)

This function gets cleaner data by all possible data preprocessing modules from KETIPrePartialDataPreprocessing packages. Refinging, Outlier Detction, Imputation

2-2. function MultipleDatasetByAllMethod(multiple_dataset, process_param)

This function make multiple-Datasets through All preprocessing method.

2-2. DataPreprocessing (class)

This class provdies several preprocessing Method from this package.

  • So far, data refining, outlier removal, imputation module are available.
  • There is a plan to expand more preprocessing modules.

2-2-1. get_refinedData(self, data, refine_param)

  • input: data, refine_param
     refine_param ={'removeDuplication':True, 'staticFrequency':True}
  1. KETIPrePartialDataPreprocessing.data_cleaning.RefineData.duplicate_data_remove: Remove duplicated data
  2. KETIPrePartialDataPreprocessing.data_cleaning.RefineData.make_static_frequency: Let the original data have a static frequency
  • output: datafrmae type

2-2-2. get_outlierToNaNData(self, data, outlier_param)

  • outlierToNaN.OutlierToNaN:Let outliered data be.
     outlier_param = {'certainOutlierToNaN':True, 'uncertainOutlierToNaN':True, 'data_type':'air'}

2-2-3. get_imputedData(self, data, impuation_param)

  • Replace missing data with substituted values according to the imputation parameter.
     imputation_param = {