EVE Tools

# Note: Install Python 3

# Note: install Poetry for Linux
$: curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python

# Note: install Poetry for Windows
$: (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py -UseBasicParsing).Content | python

$: python get-poetry.py --uninstall
$: poetry install  # install all dependencies


$: pip install dist/eve-tools-0.0.1-py3-none.any.whl

$: poetry-template


$: poetry shell
$: cd docs
# Note: review source/conf.py and source/index.rst
$: make html
# Note: see docs in docs/build/apidocs/index.html


$: poetry run python ./eve_tools/chat/runner.py  # analyze collections of chat logs

$: poetry run python ./eve_tools/runner.py


$: poetry run pytest --durations=0
$: poetry run pytest --cov=eve_tools --cov-report=html  -m "not integration_test" tests
#: Note: see unit test coverage report in htmlcov/index.html


Dependencies, Python version and the virtual environment are managed by Poetry.

$: poetry search Package-Name
$: poetry add Package-Name[==Package-Version]


Define project entry point and metadata.


Configure Python libraries.


$: poetry run black .


$: poetry config pypi-token.pypi PyPI-API-Access-Token

$: poetry publish --build

Project notes

Swagger Editor

Use swagger-editor to generate a client library for ESI.

To receive back the response headers as well as the data change:

  • def __call_api(self, ...): in api_client.py to return the desired value
  • kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = True to kwargs['_return_http_data_only'] = False to change the default behaviour

EVE Online Static Data Export (SDE)

Download the latest SDE. SQLite's sqlite-latest.sqlite.bz2 is recommended.

Batch vs individual access speed

N: 100 000
Batch: 0.5s
Individual: 46.2s



  • pyswagger: doesn't cache easily into a file; implements swagger api !!! hasn't been updated for a very long time!
  • diskcache: can cache files


  • esipy: the author abandoned an adjacent project, has poor documentation and short lived cache; easy EVE API access, implemented security, implements swagger api, retries, ETag, ...
  • swagger-codegen: generates an enormous code overhead; creates a whole python project, tests, data models and api function

More notes

  • Differential caching
  • sort BPCs
  • what happens when a contract expires? update cache? ignore (current, but bad)?
  • longer caching (30 days)
  • account for errors like the API returning ([], 200)
  • SDE is required - analyze it
  • do more research


  • Update Prices - select all items and click Download Prices
  • Blueprints - select one - tick calculate build/buy - see if you should buy or build a component
  • File - add character - login - set as default
  • Manufacturing list - compare all owned blueprints to figure out which one you should build first
  • SVR stands for Sales Volume Ratio


  • Python <-> SQLite (sqlite3 lib)
  • Describe EVE SDE
  • list SDE locations, headers and description
  • explore the SDE
  • Get data from the SQLite DB
  • Blueprint cost? Example, Vigilant

https://developers.eveonline.com/ - register a token


  • sort BPOs by ISK per hour
  • get price for blueprint from esi
  • price is the lowest individual contract forge blueprint price
  • account for efficiency research
  • get time for blueprint from sde
PS D:\Repositories\EVE-Tools> poetry run python .\eve_tools\runner.py
2021-08-09 14:18:16.880 | INFO     | eve_tools.esi.esi_file_cache:get_response:30 - who=API Function:get_contracts_public_region_id, Expire Timedelta:0:30:00, Args:(10000002,), Kwargs:{'p
age': 1}, what=('get_contracts_public_region_id', (10000002,), {'page': 1}), why=Hit cache, how=Access cache
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\eve_tools\runner.py", line 51, in <module>
  File ".\eve_tools\runner.py", line 46, in run
  File ".\eve_tools\runner.py", line 27, in main
    item_exchanges = datastore.get_contracts_public_region_id(10000002)
  File "d:\repositories\eve-tools\eve_tools\helper\eve_datastore.py", line 57, in get_contracts_public_region_id
    contracts = self.get_paged_data(self.contract_api.get_contracts_public_region_id, timedelta(minutes=30),
  File "d:\repositories\eve-tools\eve_tools\helper\eve_datastore.py", line 66, in get_paged_data
    response = self.cache.get_response(ApiPackage(api_function, expire_timedelta, *args, page=1))
  File "d:\repositories\eve-tools\eve_tools\esi\esi_file_cache.py", line 31, in get_response
  File "d:\repositories\eve-tools\eve_tools\esi\esi_file_cache.py", line 45, in get_from_cache
    response = self.cache.get(key)
  File "C:\Users\MislavJ\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\eve-tools-NPmAMQhe-py3.8\lib\site-packages\rapdevpy\file_cache.py", line 23, in get
    return self.cache.get(digest)
  File "C:\Users\MislavJ\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\eve-tools-NPmAMQhe-py3.8\lib\site-packages\diskcache\core.py", line 1176, in get
    value = self._disk.fetch(mode, filename, db_value, read)
  File "C:\Users\MislavJ\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\eve-tools-NPmAMQhe-py3.8\lib\site-packages\diskcache\core.py", line 280, in fetch
    return pickle.load(reader)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'eve_tools.data_layer.esi_response'

Warning! It seems that the cache is extremely sensitive to where the pickled/cached Class is located!

Two databases vs one database?

Where do I store the ESi data as opposed to SDE data?
Two databases:

  • SDE database can be swapped with the new updated one without a problem
  • you cannot query both with a SQL SELECT -> need to process data on the application layer, SDE and ESI side
  • ESI database can be moved independently of the SDE database
  • ESI database will be inserted and updated quite a lot while the SDE won't -> optimize them for different things
  • cannot foreign key link entities

Went with two databases so I can update the SDE databse more easily when a new oe arrives.

sqlalchemy.exc.NoReferencedTableError: Foreign key associated with column 'public_contracts.issuer_id' could not find table 'characters' with which to generate a foreign key to target col
umn 'character_id'

Error appears if you did not import the associated Class.