Foobarnaut FAQ

Where are you from?

This should be an easy question to answer 😅 but I have quite a background when it comes to where I've lived. Currently, I live in the Midwest in the good 'ole U.S of A. I was born in Texas and I have lived in Minnesota, Colorado, Kansas/Missouri, Shanghai, and Orange County.

What programming languages do you know?

I am currently familiar with the following:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Node
  • Express
  • Python

I am currently working on:

  • Vue.JS
  • C# for Unity

Where did you learn to code?

I learned to code from Treehouse. Check it out!

Do you have any programming guides or tutorials?

Besides the stream, I am also working on creating a patreon to teach coding concepts and provide 1:1 help to new coders and designers.

Do you have any advice for new coders?

  • DON'T GIVE UP Learning to code can be difficult and you will come across some challenges that will make you want to cry, but push past it! Persevere!
  • Take breaks When those tough challenges appear you may need to just walk away from the problem for a few minutes or even a few hours. A lot of the time, walking away for a while will not only allow your brain to rest, but you may actually come up with a solution to your problem. I don't know how many times I have gotten stuck on something, walked away, and then a great idea just pops in my head and I go running back to my computer to try it out.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice Code a bit every day. Even if it is something small, try to do a bit each day. You will be surprised at the progress you make with this simple commitment.
  • Find a Community Whether it's here in the stream with me or elsewhere, find a group of people you can go to for help, guidance, etc.
  • Measure Your Success Against Yourself What did you learn today that you couldn't do or didn't know yesterday? Don't worry if you aren't progressing as fast as someone else, they are a completely different person with a different background, skill level, and time to dedicate to learning. Instead measure your success and achievements against your past self.

I have a question that is not on this FAQ. What do I do?

Create an issue on this repo with your question. You can find the directions here and you can create a new issue here. Check current issues first in case your question has already been added.