First run the "Start Mongo.bat"
Then run the "Start Servers.bat"
Open 3 command prompt windows
from the first command prompt type mongod
from the second command prompt in folder makingApi type npm start
from the third command prompt in folder makingClient type npm start
Website is on localhost:9000
Api is on localhost:3000
This is just a base look at how a UserDatabase could function. This doesn't include User sessions, just storing the username and password into the database. Inside makingApi/routes/index.js I have added hashcode function for strings. This is based on Java's hashcode function, if you were to find a way to hash strings that you prefer you can replace the code inside that function. Hashing the password is necessary, because it makes it so that if someone were to access your database, they couldn't figure out what the passwords were of the users.