
The front-end of this app is built using React.js.

The server is built using Firebase Functions with Express.js and Node. It consist of two functions that allow the front-end to access the Torre API, that otherwise is not accessible because of the CORS policy.

The link to the front-end is: The link to the back-end is:

What I did was two thigs: Reprioritize the Genome in Figma, and implemented the Reputation bar so the redundant signaler icon is removed.

Redesign the Genome

If I were hiring, what I need/want to see/know about the candidate?

  • Reprioritize the genome Genoma redesign. Make the genoma look less loaded, deleting redudndant information, such as people signaled.
  • Delete stats__wight-graph. This generate noise.
  • Avoid scrolling to the right, because the content there goes unnoticed.
  • Move reputation to the top of the page because it is a differrentiating characteristic of the platform that provides relevant information.

Implement Reputation bar in Genome, according to design

  • Implement new design Reputation component
  • Implement Firebase function
  • Display results in the interface
  • Upload to firebase hosting