
The contents are loaded into an administration panel in Electron.js and searched and deployed in the SPA. Front-end built in React.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How run this code in development mode

Note: You need to have Node.js, Git and a code editor installed. Please make sure of it.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. On your editor open Video-Render-v3 folder
  3. Right click over electron folder
  4. Left click in: open in integrated terminal.
  5. Check to install the necessary packages for the project to run by typing npm install.
  6. Make sure that your terminal is in electron and write npm start. This command run the app.
  7. Go to the browser and write http://localhost:8000

And done! Can you change this app.

How compile this code and generate excecutable

Open the terminal in Electron folder

  1. On Windows: <npm run package-win>
  2. On Mac, <npm run package-mac>
  3. Onlinux, <npm run package-linux>

The excecutable is in video-render-v3/electron/release folder

On this branch is created the Training branch wich is in another module of learning.