Note: You need to have Node.js, Git and a code editor installed. Please make sure of it.
- Clone this repo
- On your editor open Video-Render-v3 folder
- Right click over electron folder
- Left click in: open in integrated terminal.
- Check to install the necessary packages for the project to run by typing
npm install
. - Make sure that your terminal is in electron and write
npm start
. This command run the app. - Go to the browser and write http://localhost:8000
And done! Can you change this app.
Open the terminal in Electron folder
- On Windows:
<npm run package-win>
- On Mac,
<npm run package-mac>
- Onlinux,
<npm run package-linux>
The excecutable is in video-render-v3/electron/release folder
On this branch is created the Training branch wich is in another module of learning.