
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This application is used to do basic CRUD operations. It mainly uses Express backend to save and retrieve the data from a JSON file

The application frontend has already been created, it's your job to build the backend and connect the two.

The following HTML routes should be created:

GET /notes - Should return the notes.html file. GET * - Should return the index.html file

The application should have a db.json file on the backend that will be used to store and retrieve notes using the fs module.

The following API routes should be created:

GET /api/notes - Should read the db.json file and return all saved notes as JSON.

POST /api/notes - Should recieve a new note to save on the request body, add it to the db.json file, and then return the new note to the client.

DELETE /api/notes/:id - Should recieve a query paramter containing the id of a note to delete. This means you'll need to find a way to give each note a unique id when it's saved. In order to delete a note, you'll need to read all notes from the db.json file, remove the note with the given id property, and then rewrite the notes to the db.json file.