XMPP Bot that acts as a task manager

Primary LanguageJava

A simple bot that will record tasks for you.

Inspired by todo.txt

Syntax is unstable and subject to change at my whims.

Currently supported commands (in short-bastardized EBNF)

  1. Help
    • ("h" | "help" | "?")
  2. List Tasks
    • ("l" | "list")
  3. Add a task
    • ("+" | "a" | "add") <task>
  4. Add a sub-task
    • @<id> <task>
  5. Delete a task
    • ( "-" | "d" | "delete") @<id>
  6. task = all characters
    • Any text string, can be tagged with #
  7. id = "@" , 0-9[,{ .0-9 }]
    • Unique id for the task.
  8. tag = "#" , {all characters - space}
    • Tags for the task


  1. Search on tags
    • "#", {all characters}
  2. Completion:
    • ( "c" | "complete" ) @id
  3. Increase Priority
    • ( ">" ),
  4. Decrease Priority
    • ( "<" ), <id>
  5. Automatic Sub Tagging
    • #<tag>-<tag> becomes #<tag> and #<tag>-<tag>
  6. Due Date
    • <id> is due on <date>
      • <task>
  7. Lists
    • ":", {all characters - space}
    • tags work cross list
  8. Multi-User/Collabrative Lists
    • Users of the same domain can access lists on the same domain, black list certain domains (ie. gmail)
    • Teams of people can share a list
    • smallest possible unique id for users
    • Notifications sent to users on list additions, task assignment, task completion
    • List Lists (ll) -> list all the lists you have access to.
    • add observers of lists, tasks -> owner of list is automatically notified on changes
    • Batch up notifications when offline.
    • Able to reassign, "@e + 3"
      • results in: "user1 has assigned task 3 to you"
    • Questions: "@e 3? What do you want me to do about x?"
      • results in: "user1: For 'fix bug 3443', what do you want me to do about x?"
      • mainly to reduce conceptual overhead, "what was 3 again?"
      • IM might just be better for this


  1. Dropping @ in the ids, making it just 0-9[,{.0-9}]
  2. Making more natural. "Add fix bug 3233 to 3"
  3. full text search -> tougher to do GAE

Integration with existing PM systems. Rally, FogBugz