Kodi/XBMC bash script to send Kodi commands using JSON RPC. It also allows sending youtube videos to Kodi.
kodi-cli -[p|i|s|(y|q) youtbe URL/ID|t "text to send"|o "youtube title"]
-p Play/Pause the current played video
-s Stop the current played video
-y play youtube video. Use either URL/ID (of video)
-q queue youtube video to the current list. Use either URL/ID (of video). Use after -y.
-o play youtube video directly on Kodi. Use the name of video.
-i interactive navigation mode. Accept keyboard keys of Up, Down, Left, Right, Back, information and context menu.
-t "text to send"
#Dependencies for the "-o" option to work you'll need to install mps-youtube
#Version 1.0