
A Python module for retrieving agent data from the Valorant API. Utilizes OOP to make your life easier

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ValAgents.py | Valorant Agents Module

A Python module that essentially serves as a wrapper for the Valorant API Agents endpoint.

⚙️ Installation

No support for PyPi yet, and thus you cannot install this module with pip install. Maybe I will do this in the future. For now, just download from Releases and place ValAgents.py in your project directory.

🔧 Usage & Examples

  1. Import the module
from ValAgents import ValAgents
  1. Initialize
agents = ValAgents()
  1. Start calling stuff



Results will be returned as Agent objects.

Attribute Description
name Agent's display name
description Agent's official description
display_icon The 256x256 icon that appears in Agent Selection
developer_name The codename for the agent that is used in development
ability_q An Ability object for the agent's Ability1
ability_e An Ability object for the agent's Ability2
ability_c An Ability object for the agent's Ability3
ability_x An Ability object for the agent's Ultimate
role The agent's game role (i.e. Sentinel)
uuid The identification value for the agent


Objects representing an agent's in-game ability charge

Attribute Description
name The ability's display name
description The ability's official description
display_icon The icon which appears in the in-game HUD for the ability


The main object which houses agent results and methods.

Method Description
def get_agent(self, name: str) Retrieves an agent by full name. Returns Agent object
def get_agents_by_role(role: str) Retrieve a list of agents by their role (i.e. Sentinel). Returns a list of Agent objects
def query_agents_by_name(name: str) Returns a list of Agent objects whose names contain the given string. Good for autocomplete and such.