
A simple, easy to use Python module which allows you to quickly measure STL files.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

stl-measure.py | STL 3D Model Measurement Tool

A simple, easy to use Python module which allows you to quickly measure STL files.

⚙️ Installation

No support for PyPi yet, and thus you cannot install this module with pip install. Maybe I will do this in the future. For now, just download the repo and place the stlmeasure.py file in your project directory.

🔧 Usage & Examples

Be sure that you import the module into your project using

import stlmeasure

At the current time, the module has two main functions, get_dimensions(obj, units) and get_box_volume(obj, units). get_dimensions(obj, units) returns a dictionary with the X, Y, and Z dimensions of the object inside. get_box_volume(obj, units) returns a numeric value representing the volume of the bounding box of the object. Note: This does not return the "real" volume of the mesh.

The first parameter, obj, is the path to the STL file you wish to measure. The second parameter, units, is the unit of measurement you would like to be returned. Acceptable inputs for units at the moment are 'm', 'cm', 'mm', 'in', 'ft'.

Below you can find some examples of the module in action. Here are some potential goals, with a code block showing you how to accomplish that goal.

Get the dimensions of an STL object, in centimeters, as a dictionary

import stlmeasure

dimensions = stlmeasure.get_dimensions('./icosphere.stl', 'cm')



{'x': 342.3, 'y': 360.0, 'z': 360.0}

Get the volume of the bounding box of an STL object, in inches:

import stlmeasure

bounds_volume = stlmeasure.get_box_volume('./icosphere.stl', 'in')




🤝 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
