
Primary LanguagePython

Apache Airflow


  • dags/ Folder synchronously with our container, it is in this folder that the dags will be written.
  • logs/ Contains the logs of our application.
  • plugins/ Will contain external plugins not present on the docker image
 |-- dags/
 | |-- custom_class/
 | |-- data/
 | | -- | --input_files/
 | | -- | --output_files/
 |-- logs/
 |-- plugins/

Structure requirements.txt will contain the external dependencies we will need


To launch the project

echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)\nAIRFLOW_GID=0" > .env
docker-compose up airflow-init
docker build . --tag extending_airflow:latest
docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build airflow-webserver airflow-scheduler

and finally

docker-compose up 

then open your browser localhost:8080