
Repository to learn about web crawlers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm (scoped)


A script to crawl through websites. This crawler is not searching for anything but can be extended very easy via asynchronous callback functions and modules.

Some configurations can be modified by creating a web-crawler.json file with specific parameters.

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration parameters
  3. Use callbacks
  4. Public functions
  5. Defining custom modules
  6. Quickstart
  7. Available parameters


Run npm install --save mistermarlu/web-crawler.

Import the WebCrawler class like:

// Get commands from console.
const commands = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)),
  WebCrawler = require('web-crawler');

let webcrawler = new WebCrawler.Main(__dirname, commands);

// OR this way.
const commands = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)),
  {Main} = require('web-crawler');

let webcrawler = new Main(__dirname, commands);

Now you can work with the web crawler. Pretty easy, isn't it?

Configuration parameters

Here is the full list of available configuration parameters:

    "default": {
        "connString": "mongodb://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}?authSource={authentication-database}",
        "connection": {
            "host": "host",
            "user": "username",
            "password": "password",
            "database": "mydb"
        "dbVariant": "mysql"
    "crawler": {
        "lockFileName": "webcrawler.lock"
    "output": {
        "logPath": "/absolute/path/to/logs",
        "logFileName": "logger-1",
        "multiple": true
    "screenShot": {
        "screenshot": {
            "filePath": "/absolute/path/to/screenshots/"
        "dimensions": [
                "width": "1920",
                "height": "1080"
        "clicks": [
                "element": "a[href*=\"?enter\"]",
                "waitings": {
                    "before": 100,
                    "after": 500
                "element": ".popup .popup_closebutton",
                "waitings": {
                    "before": 1000,
                    "after": 1200

Okay, now step for step: There are some available configurations in each module of the web crawler, first default:

The connection string for mongodb because the web crawler saves some data.

The connection object for mariadb because the web crawler saves some data.

The type of database you want to use. You can switch between mongodb and mysql.

When the web crawler starts crawling it would create a webcrawler.lock file.

The path to the directory of the logs should be defined, otherwise it would create a log directory within the directory where the web crawler was initialised.

The logger-1.log file would be created after starting the crawling process. You can customize this name.

For default the web crawler creates for every crawling process an own log file. You can turn it off so the web crawler would overwrite the old log file.

Configurations for chromeless, see here.

An array of width and height resolutions of the screenshots that should be done.

Configurations for the screenshot, see here.

An array of objects. Each object has an element that should be clicked before doing the screenshot. waitings have to be an object too with before and after. These are the waiting times before and after clicking on the element.

Use callbacks

Like I said you can use asynchronous callback functions to hook into the crawler. At the moment there are some hooks available:

1. Init

 * Callback for initiation.
 * @async
 * @param {WebCrawler} webcrawler The WebCrawler instance.
 * @param {object} options The options for the webcrawler.
 * @param {string} [options.startUrl=https://www.phpdoc.org/] The url you are starting from.
 * @param {number} [options.pageLimit=0] The limit of pages to crawl. 0 will be infinite.
 * @param {number} [options.debug=0] Turn on/off the debug mode.
 * @param {string} [options.debugModule=] Specify a module to debug. If empty and debug is on, all modules will be debugged.
 * @param {number} [options.screenShots=0] Turn on/of the function to create screenshots.
 * @returns {Promise} Returns an empty Promise.
async function initCallback(webcrawler, options) {
  await webcrawler.CustomModule.init(webcrawler, options);


webcrawler.setCallback('init', initCallback);

2. Search

 * Callback for searching.
 * @async
 * @param {object} $ The content of the website where we can perform like in jQuery.
 * @param {string} url The current url.
 * @returns {Promise} Returns an empty Promise.
async function searchCallback($, url) {
  let links = $('a').attr('href^="/"'); // Here you can use the return value from "cheerio".
  console.log(`Found ${links.length} links.`);
  console.log(`Current visiting url is ${url}.`);

webcrawler.setCallback('search', searchCallback);

3. Screenshot

 * Callback for doing screenshots.
 * @async
 * @param {object} commands The options for the webcrawler.
 * @param {string} [commands.startUrl=https://www.phpdoc.org/] The url you are starting from.
 * @param {number} [commands.pageLimit=0] The limit of pages to crawl. 0 will be infinite.
 * @param {number} [commands.debug=0] Turn on/off the debug mode.
 * @param {string} [commands.debugModule=] Specify a module to debug. If empty and debug is on, all modules will be debugged.
 * @param {number} [commands.screenShots=0] Turn on/of the function to create screenshots.
 * @returns {Promise} Returns an empty Promise.
function screenshotCallback(commands) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      for (let key in commands) {
        if (commands.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
          console.log(`Command "${key}": ${commands[key]}`);


webcrawler.setCallback('screenshot', screenshotCallback);

4. Output

 * Callback for outputting some information at the end of the log file.
 * @param {string} reason The reason why the crawler has stopped the process.
function outputCallback(reason) {

webcrawler.setCallback('output', outputCallback);

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Public functions

There are a lot of functions you can use. This web crawler is a wrapper and manager of some classes. Remember, you can use a mongodb and a mysql database. So in the methods of DB the parameter is called "table" but with the usage of mongodb it would be called "collection". So the wrapper WebCrawler has some methods and each class has it's own methods, let me show you:



Add a custom module.
{string} pathToModule The relative path to the module.



function searchCallback(webcrawler) {

webcrawler.setCallback('search', searchCallback);

Wrapper.addConfig(pathToConfig, name)

Add a custom configuration file. It must be a .json file.
{string} pathToConfig The absolute path to the configuration file.
{string} name The name of the configuration.


webcrawler.addConfig('/path/to/config.json', 'custom');
Wrapper.setCallback(name, callback)

Set a callback. On some points of the core it calls some callbacks so you can hook into some functions with your modules.
{string} name A name for this callback is necessary.
{function} callback Of cause the callback should be a function.


function outputCallback(reason) {

webcrawler.setCallback('output', outputCallback);
Wrapper.crawl(logFileName = '')

Prepare for the crawling process.
{string} logFileName= Name of the log file. Default is the name defined in the config.json.


let logFileName = 'log-1'; // Filename must end with "-1". Default is "logger-1"

webcrawler.crawl(logFileName); // logFileName is a optional parameter.

Start the crawling process.


function initCallback(webcrawler, options) {
  // Do some stuff before the webcrawler is starting.

webcrawler.setCallback('init', initCallback);


DB.insert(insert, table)

Insert new data.
{object} insert The object that should be inserted.
{string} table The name of the table.
Return {Promise} Returns a Promise object with the result of the database.


let insert = {
    foo: 'bar',
    bar: 'foo',

webcrawler.db.insert(insert, 'foo').then(result => {
  // Do some stuff here.
}).catch(error => {
  // Catch the error.
DB.update(filter, update, table, operator = '=')

Update data.
{object} filter The filter to get the current object.
{object} update The object that should be updated.
{string} table The name of the table.
{string} operator The operator for the where clause.
Return {Promise} Returns a Promise object with the result of the database.


let update = {
    foo: 'bar',
    bar: 'bar',
  filter = {
    foo: 'bar',

webcrawler.db.update(filter, update, 'foo').then(result => {
  // Do some stuff here.
}).catch(error => {
  // Catch the error.
DB.save(filter, object, table, operator = '=')

Insert data or update if already exists.
{object} filter The filter to get the current object.
{object} object The object that should be inserted or updated.
{string} table The name of the table.
{string} operator The operator for the where clause.
Return {Promise} Returns a Promise object with the result of the database.


let obj = {
    foo: 'bar',
    bar: 'foo',
  filter = {
    foo: 'bar',

webcrawler.db.save(filter, obj, 'foo').then(result => {
  // Do some stuff here.
}).catch(error => {
  // Catch the error.
DB.delete(filter, table, operator = '=')

Delete data.
{object} filter The filter to get the current object.
{string} table The name of the table.
{string} operator The operator for the where clause.
Return {Promise} Returns a Promise object with the result of the database.


let filter = {
    foo: 'bar',

webcrawler.db.delete(filter, 'foo').then(result => {
  // Do some stuff here.
}).catch(error => {
  // Catch the error.

Get all data from table.
{string} table The name of the table.
Return {Promise} Returns a Promise object with the result of the database.


webcrawler.db.findAll('foo').then(result => {
 // Do some stuff here.
}).catch(error => {
 // Catch the error.
DB.find(filter, table, structure = {}, operator = '=')

Get data from table.
{object} filter The filter to get the current object.
{string} table The name of the table.
{string} structure The structure in that the object should be returned.
{string} operator The operator for the where clause.
Return {Promise} Returns a Promise object with the result of the database.


let filter = {
    foo: 'bar',
  structure = {
    bar: true,

webcrawler.db.find(filter, structure, 'foo').then(result => {
  // Do some stuff here.
}).catch(error => {
  // Catch the error.
DB.findOne(filter, table, structure = {}, operator = '=')

Get one element from table.
{object} filter The filter to get the current object.
{string} table The name of the table.
{string} structure The structure in that the object should be returned.
{string} operator The operator for the where clause.
Return {Promise} Returns a Promise object with the result of the database.


let search = {
    id: 156,

// With MySQL this is the equivalent to "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = 156".
webcrawler.db.findOne(search, {}, 'foo').then(result => {
 // Do some stuff here.
}).catch(error => {
 // Catch the error.


Output.write(value, toConsole = false, type = '', background = '')

Write output.
{string} value The value that should be printed.
{boolean} toConsole Print to console.
{string} type The type or color of the value.
{string} background The background color of the value.


webcrawler.output.write('An example', true, 'black', 'white');

// Would print this string to the console with font color black and background color white.

screenshot from console

Output.writeLine(value, toConsole = false, type = '', background = '')

Write output with a new line before.
{string} value The value that should be printed.
{boolean} toConsole Print to console.
{string} type The type or color of the value.
{string} background The background color of the value.


webcrawler.output.writeLine('An example', true, 'black', 'white');

// Would print this string to the console with font color black and background color white.

screenshot from console

Output.writeWithSpace(value, toConsole = false, type = '', background = '')

Write output with a trailing new line.
{string} value The value that should be printed.
{boolean} toConsole Print to console.
{string} type The type or color of the value.
{string} background The background color of the value.


webcrawler.output.writeWithSpace('An example', true, 'black', 'white');

// Would print this string to the console with font color black and background color white.

screenshot from console

Output.writeConsole(value, toConsole = false, type, background)

Write in console only.
{string} value The value that should be printed.
{boolean} toConsole Print to console.
{string} type The type or color of the value.
{string} background The background color of the value.


webcrawler.output.writeConsole('An example', true, 'black', 'white');

// Would print this string to the console with font color black and background color white.

screenshot from console

Output.writeOutput(sentences, type = '')

Write array as strings with new line for each entry.
{object[]} sentences An array of objects stored with default write information.
{string} sentences[].text The text that should be printed.
{string} sentences[].type The type or color of the text.
{string} sentences[].background The background color of the text.
{string} type The type or color of the first text.


let sentences = [];

sentences.push({text: 'The headline'});
sentences.push({text: 'An example', color: 'green'});
sentences.push({text: 'Another example', color: 'black', bg: 'green'});

webcrawler.output.writeOutput(sentences, 'underscore');

// Would print this sentences to console as small list.

screenshot from console

Output.getColor(type, background = '')

Get colored command line output.
{string} type The type or color of the value.
{string} background The background color of the value.
Return {string} Returns the colored string.


// Would return "\x1b[30m\x1b[47m%s\x1b[0m" to get a colored string:
let colorString = webcrawler.output.getColor('black', 'white');

console.log(colorString, 'Say something.');



Kill all Google Chrome processes.


ScreenShot.doScreenshots(websites, debug, callback)

Create a screenshot for each website that does not has an error.
{object[]} websites An array with objects that stores website information.
{string} websites[].url The url to a website without the protocol.
{boolean} websites[].has_error Has the website an error? (Like 404, 500, etc.)
{string} websites[].name Name of the website, e.g. "imprint" or "home".
{string} websites[].found_url The url where the website was found.
{function} callback This callback would be called when the screenshot was saved.
Return {Promise} Promise object represents an object of time, timeString, done, undone and total screenshots.


// Websites must be an array with website objects
let websites = [
      url: 'http://example.com/imprint', // Url where you want to have a screenshot.
      has_error: false, // The found website can be invalid now or may has a wrong toplevel domain.
      name: 'imprint', // Title of the website.
      found_url: 'https://github.com/MisterMarlu', // Url where the screenshot website was found (maybe interesting for portal crawling).

function callbackAfterEachScreenshot(screenshotPath) {
  // Do something.

webcrawler.screenShot.doScreenshots(websites, callbackAfterEachScreenshot).then(details => {
 // Do some stuff here.
}).catch(error => {
 // Catch the error.


DelayedSave.addType(position, collection, globalName, index, callback = DelayedSave.save)

Add a type with necessary information so DelayedSave know how to save the data.
{number} position Position of the ordered saving types.
{string} collection Name of the collection.
{string} globalName Name of the array of objects in the class Global
{string} index Index of the collection.
{function} callback Callback to the way of saving the data.


class CustomModule extends BaseModule {
  constructor(options) {

    this.delayedSave.addType(10, 'foo', 'foo', 'bar', CustomModule.delayedSaveMethod);

    return this;



Get any parameter.
{string} name The name of the parameter.
Return {*|null} Returns the value of the parameter or null.


const {Global} = require('web-crawler');

let foo = Global.get('foo');
Global.set(name, value)

Set any parameter.
{string} name The name of the parameter.
{*} value The value of the parameter.


const {Global} = require('web-crawler');

let foo = 'bar';

Global.set('foo', foo);



Converts the first letter of a string to upper case.
{string} string The string that should be converted.
Return {string} Returns the converted string.


const {Formatter} = require('web-crawler');

let upperFirst = Formatter.toUpperFirst('foo'); // Would return 'Foo'.

Convert camelCase to snake_case.
{string} camel The string that should be converted.
Return {string} Returns the converted string.


const {Formatter} = require('web-crawler');

let underscore = Formatter.camelToUnderscore('fooBar'); // Would return 'foo_bar'.

Convert dash-case to camelCase.
{string} string The string that should be converted.
Return {string} Returns the converted string.


const {Formatter} = require('web-crawler');

let camel = Formatter.dashToCamel('foo-bar'); // Would return 'fooBar'.

Convert snake_case to dash-case.
{string} string The string that should be converted.
Return {string} Returns the converted string.


const {Formatter} = require('web-crawler');

let dash = Formatter.unserscoreToDash('foo_bar'); // Would return 'foo_bar'.

Convert camelCase to dash-case.
{string} string The string that should be converted.
Return {string} Returns the converted string.


const {Formatter} = require('web-crawler');

let dash = Formatter.camelToDash('fooBar'); // Would return 'foo-bar'.

Convert dash-case to snake_case.
{string} string The string that should be converted.
Return {string} Returns the converted string.


const {Formatter} = require('web-crawler');

let underscore = Formatter.dashToUnderscore('foo-bar'); // Would return 'foo_bar'.

Convert dash-case to camelCase.
{string} string The string that should be converted.
Return {string} Returns the converted string.


const {Formatter} = require('web-crawler');

let camel = Formatter.underscoreToCame('foo_bar'); // Would return 'fooBar'.

Convert underscore to whitespaces.
{string} string The string that should be converted.
Return {string} Returns the converted string.


const {Formatter} = require('web-crawler');

let whitespace = Formatter.underscoreToWhitespace('foo_bar'); // Would return 'foo bar'.



Get the name of the module from the absolute file path.
{string} path Absolute path to the file.
Return {string} Returns the module name.


// file "CustomModule.js".
const {Parser} = require('web-crawler');

let moduleName = Parser.getModuleName(__filename); // Would return 'CustomModule'.

Get the name of the method that is called.
{function} method The method.
Return {string} Returns the method name.


const {Parser} = require('web-crawler');

function foo() {
  let methodName = Parser.getMethodName(foo);
Parser.parseTime(ms, toArray = false)

Parse milliseconds to object or array with days, hours, minutes and seconds.
{number} ms Milliseconds that should be parsed.
{boolean} toArray Return as an array.
Return {object|array} Returns an object with d, h, m and s or an array with it's values.


const {Parser} = require('web-crawler');

let start = new Date();

setTimeout(() => {
  let ms = new Date() - start,
    time = Parser.parseTime(ms);
}, 2000);


Helper.compare2Objects(a, b)

Compare two objects. Are they equal?
{object} a Object a that should be compared with object b.
{object} b Object b that should be compared with object a.
Return {boolean} Returns true or false.


const {Helper} = require('web-crawler');

let a = {
    one: 1,
    two: 0,
  b = {
    one: 1,
    two: 0,
  c = {
    one: 0,
    two: 0,

console.log(a === b); // Would print "false".
console.log(Helper.compare2Objects(a, b)); // Would print "true".
console.log(Helper.compare2Objects(a, c)); // Would print "false".

Convert a one digit number into a two digit number.
{number} number The number to convert.
Return {string} Returns a two digit number as string.


const {Helper} = require('web-crawler');

let minutes = Helper.twoDigits(5); // Would return "05".
Helper.getSqlTimestamp(date = new Date())

Get a current MySQL timestamp.
{Date} date A Date object.
Return {string} Returns the current MySQL timestamp.


const {Helper} = require('web-crawler');

let timestamp = Helper.getSqlTimestamp(); // Would return "2018-02-20 15:02:26".

Check if a callback exists.
{string} name The name of a callback.
Return {boolean} Returns true or false.


const {Helper} = require('web-crawler');

if (Helper.hasCallback('init')) {
  // Do something.

Get a callback if exists.
{string} name The name of a callback.
Return {function|null} Returns the callback or null if not exists.


const {Helper} = require('web-crawler');

if (Helper.hasCallback('init')) {

Check if debug mode is enabled for the given module.
{string} moduleName The name of the module.
Return {boolean} Returns true or false.


const {Helper} = require('web-crawler');

if (Helper.isDebug('CustomModule')) {
  console.log('Debug mode enabled for this module');
Helper.debug(file, value, level = 5)

Prints output on debugging.
{string} file The absolute path to the file.
{*} value The value that should be debugged.
{number} level The debug level on which it should be printed (level 0-5).


const {Helper} = require('web-crawler');

let foo = 'bar';

Helper.debug(__filename, foo, 4); // Would print "bar" when debugging the module with the debug level 4 or higher.

Check if debug mode is enabled.
Return {boolean} Returns true or false.


const {Helper} = require('web-crawler');

if (Helper.debugEnabled()) {
  console.log('Debug mode enabled');
Helper.printDebugLine(output, method, file, line)

Prints the debugging line.
{Output} output The Output instance.
{function} method The method which called this method.
{string} file The absolute path to the file.
{number} line The line number where this method was called.


const {Helper} = require('web-crawler');

class CustomModule extends BaseModule {
  constructor(options) {

    return this;

  foo() {
    Helper.printDebugLine(this.output, this.foo, __filename, __line);

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Defining custom modules

You can define your own modules with this command:

npm run add-module

You can also define your module manually with this preferred template:

// project/modules/ModuleName.js

// Import custom modules.
const {BaseModule} = require(`${__dirname}/../core`);

let instance = null;

 * A new module.
 * @extends BaseModule
 * @param {object} options An object of options, defined in the core.
 * @returns {ModuleName} Returns the ModuleName instance.
class ModuleName extends BaseModule {

   * @see ModuleName.
  constructor(options) {
    // Constructor of the super class.

    // The class ModuleName is a singleton class.
    if (!(this instanceof ModuleName)) return new ModuleName(options);
    if (instance instanceof ModuleName) return instance;

    instance = this;

    return this;

module.exports = ModuleName;

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With the generator you can easily initiate a crawler project on this command:

npm run quick-start

This will ask you some questions:

? Do you want to create some default tables in your database? (Y/n)
? Database name:
? Database username:
? Database user password: [input is hidden]

And will create some files and directories into your project root:

  • File "quickStart.js"
  • File "web-crawler.json"
  • Directory "logs"
  • Directory "screenshots"

Here is an example of the generated quickstart.js:

// Get commands from console.
const commands = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)),
// Import WebCrawler.
  WebCrawler = require(`${__dirname}/core`);

// Create WebCrawler instance.
let crawler = new WebCrawler.Main(__dirname, commands);

// Start the crawling process.

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Available parameters

You can call your script with

node script.js --startUrl="https://github.com" --pageLimit=100 --screenShots=1 --debug=1 --debugModule=Wrapper --debugLevel=5

Here you can see all available parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
startUrl string https://www.phpdoc.org/ Full url with correct protocol (http recommend)
pageLimit number 0 Limitation of websites to be crawled (0 for infinity)
screenShots boolean 0 If 1 screenshots would be made for each customer website
debug boolean 0 If 1 you get a lot of output for debugging. You can add a module name
debugModule string The module you like to get the debug information
debugLevel number 0 The level to debug, from 0 to 5 where 5 is the highest level

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