
Connect databases to CustomFields

Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

DBCustomField Extension for Request Tracker

Table of Contents

  1. About
  2. License
  3. Support
  4. Requirements
  5. Installation
  6. Configuration


This extension allows to link custom field values to external databases.

Specific custom field types provided by this extension allow users to choose from a list of suggestions what they want to associate with a ticket. This works with the help of auto-completion which is invoked once a user typed two or more characters.

Create ticket DBCF livesearch

Stored and displayed is by default what the user chose. However, by configuring custom templates it is possible to change what is displayed to the user. This applies to the list of suggestions as well as to the actual value users will see when viewing the ticket.

View ticket DBCF

Pleaes note that what is displayed to the user is not necessarily what is internally stored by RT for the custom field. Any time a ticket is viewed by a user the extension fetches what to display from the external database. This way it is possible to e.g. only store a primary key value and display just an associated name to users.


This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2.

This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by NETWAYS GmbH <support@netways.de>.


For bugs and feature requests please head over to our issue tracker. You may also send us an email to support@netways.de for general questions or to get technical support.


  • RT 4.4.2
  • DBI (>= 1.37)

As well as an appropriate driver for the databases you want to integrate. (e.g. DBD::mysql for MySQL)


Extract this extension to a temporary location

Git clone:

cd /usr/local/src
git clone https://github.com/NETWAYS/rt-extension-dbcustomfield

Tarball download (latest release):

cd /usr/local/src
wget https://github.com/NETWAYS/rt-extension-dbcustomfield/archive/v1.1.0.zip
unzip v1.1.0.zip

Navigate into the source directory and install the extension.

perl Makefile.PL
make install

Clear your mason cache.

rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj

Restart your web server.

systemctl restart httpd

systemctl restart apache2


Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm configuration and include the extension.



First you need to define $DBCustomField_Connections which is a hash of available database connections.

Set($DBCustomField_Connections, {
    'sugarcrm' => {
        'dsn' => 'DBI:mysql:database=SUGARCRMDB;host=MYHOST;port=3306;mysql_enable_utf8=1',
        'username' => 'USER',
        'password' => 'PASS'


Then it is required to define $DBCustomField_Queries which is a hash of available query definitions. Every query definition has a name and consists of two queries. One for the auto-completion suggestions and one to fetch display values with.

Set ($DBCustomField_Queries, {
    'companies' => {
        # The connection to use
        'connection' => 'sugarcrm',

        # The query to fetch auto-completion suggestions with. `field_value' is mandatory
        # and any occurrence of `?' is replaced with a user's input.
        'suggestions' => q{
            cstm.net_global_id_c AS field_value, cstm.shortname_c AS shortname, a.name
            FROM accounts a
            INNER JOIN accounts_cstm cstm ON cstm.id_c = a.id AND cstm.net_global_id_c
            WHERE a.deleted = 0 AND (cstm.net_global_id_c = ? OR cstm.shortname_c LIKE ? OR a.name LIKE ?)
            ORDER BY shortname

        # The display template to use for each entry returned by the suggestions query. To reference specific
        # columns here encapsulate their name with curly braces. The default is just `{field_value}'
        # HTML support: Yes
        'suggestions_tpl' => q{
                <div>{name} (<strong>{field_value}</strong>)</div>

        # The query to fetch display values with. `field_value' is only required when not defining
        # a custom display template. A single occurrence of `?' is replaced with the value internally
        # stored by RT.
        'display_value' => q{
            cstm.net_global_id_c AS field_value, cstm.shortname_c AS shortname
            FROM accounts a
            INNER JOIN accounts_cstm cstm ON cstm.id_c = a.id AND cstm.net_global_id_c
            WHERE cstm.net_global_id_c = ?

        # The display template to use when showing the custom field value to users. To reference specific
        # columns here encapsulate their name with curly braces. The default is just `{field_value}'.
        # HTML support: Yes, but try to avoid manipulating the layout too much (e.g. with block elements)
        'display_value_tpl' => '{shortname} (<i>{field_value}</i>)'

Create Custom Fields

Create a new custom field and choose the following type:

  • Select one value with autocompletion from db source

Custom Fields Map

Last you need to define $DBCustomField_Fields which maps query definitions to specific custom fields. This controls which suggestions a user receives when typing something into a custom field input. Note that these custom fields need to be of the type provided by this extension.

Set($DBCustomField_Fields, {
    'Client' => 'companies'

Suggestion Limit

By default the limit of suggestions displayed to the user is 10. To adjust this you can use the following:

Set($DBCustomField_Suggestion_Limit, 25);

Advanced Configuration


Can be used as part of any query to reference a ticket's ID. (Is replaced by this extension with an integer.)


Can be used only as part of the display_value query to reference the field_value. (Is replaced by this extension with whatever has been stored internally by RT.)